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Six Thousand OMON Fighters in Military Equipage Will Be Brought to Moscow for Constructive Dialogue with Civil Society

Six Thousand OMON Fighters in Military Equipage Will Be Brought to Moscow for Constructive Dialogue with Civil Society

As “Novaya Gazeta” writes, six thousand fighters of the regional OMONs - about a quarter of all OMON fighters of Russia - will be present in Moscow from March, 3 till March, 9th. They will help Moscow OMON in “physical non-admission and termination of carrying out unapproved by the authorities public actions”.

According to the edition, there has been no order about disposition, however it is been expected by groups in Chelyabinsk, Rostov, Yekaterinburg and Saratov. The fighters, sources in "Novaya" inform, will be sent with the order “to prevent displays of extremism” in the equipage typical for trips in flashpoints.

Earlier the Ministry of Internal Affairs denied appeared in a blog of the deputy of the State Duma from “Fair Russia” Ilya Ponomarev information that there are 800 fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic in Moscow, but it neither confirmed, nor denied messages on re-deployment of OMON.

- OMON is only an argument in the dialogue between the state and society, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminded. - For the first time OMON as the political argument appeared in autumn of 1993 though it loomed on political scene much earlier. During revolution of 1993 OMONs brought from all country to Moscow became more important factor of the Russian internal policy, than, say, the Constitution. Already for 20 years society fails to find what to set against persuasion with the help of OMON. In the meantime the state perfected that argument in two Chechen wars where the military component of OMON was close to zero, while civil and political components were absolutely suppressing. There are no doubts here - 2 thousand OMON fighters in Moscow on a constant place of dislocation are necessary not for struggle against criminality, that’s too much. While it’s quite ok for struggle against civil activity. We live at dictatorship and we shouldn’t close eyes on it and to pretend that we have courts, laws, constitutional laws and so on. We have OMON, FSB, Internal troops and if it is necessary strategic aircraft will join them, "sp that nothing else would grow" (Putin). Until the society won't find powerful argument against OMON, dictatorship will remain dictatorship.

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