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Corruption in RF Is Practically Recognized Basis of Constitutional Mode

Corruption in RF Is Practically Recognized Basis of Constitutional Mode

Head of elective staff of Vladimir Putin, director Stanislav Govorukhin considers corruption which exists in Russia normal phenomenon, he told so in the interview to the newspaper "Trud".

“You have reputation of the fighter with corruption”, — the journalist reminded the director.

“It’s not Putin who generated it. Corruption existed already in imperial Russia”, — the chief of Putin’s staff answered to it.

“Today we again returned to normal, civilized corruption which, alas, exists also in China (thought there they shoot for it), in Italy and in America”, — Govorukhin declared.

- As a whole to struggle with corruption - means to struggle with a ruling party, even to undermine bases of the created political system, - the chairman of Editorial board of FORUM.msk Michael Delyagin told somehow. It is impossible for bureaucracy. While struggle for repartition of corruption financial streams, often looking as struggle with corrupted officials - lovely business.

That is Govorukhin only specified that after March, 4th Putin is not going to change bases of the order which he himself put. What for, if everything is good without it?

“By the way, there was no corruption at Stalin, it blossomed only during last years of the Soviet power — remember loud litigations on the eve of prestroyka”, - Govorukhin reminded.

Let's recollect – really there were few corruption cases which could be counted using fingers of one hand. Corrupted officials went by "Volga", built themselves summer residences and stole hundreds thousand roubles (they were threaten with execution after 80 thousand).

Now let’s read our news line: "Presidential candidate of the Russian Federation - billionaire Michael Prokhorov intends in case of his victory on elections on March, 4th, 2012 to give officials one year for paying taxes from "stolen money". He acted with such statement at a meeting with youth and public in Sochi, RBC transfers. "We should give the chance to those people who found themselves in conditions when they had to steal to declare money and to pay taxes during one year", - Prokhorov told. He explained that money obtained from taxes of the officials will go to social sphere and maintenance of the Pension fund of the Russian Federation".

If you got impression of the scale for comparison - then and now?

I am especially impressed by the phrase: "to those people who found themselves in conditions when they had to steal". I am filled up with tears from sympathy. They should have suffered a lot. One wants to work hard, to work fairly for the country blessing, while he has to steal, to buy "Bentley", to build palaces - on Rublevka and Lazurka, to get the whole brood of unnecessary mistresses and to take them to Courchevel... Hard life. Therefore Prokhorov demands to give these unfortunate people one year to come to themselves, to say goodbye to this corruption nightmare - and to pay taxes from the stolen.

This is what Prokhorov says, he has no chances to become the president... While Govorukhin on behalf of Putin tells openly - don't hope, all this nightmare will proceed, you will still have to go by "Bentley" and to suffer in Courchevels. No amnesty, no taxes - only  kick-backs!


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