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Known Actor Died in War with Frost

Known Actor Died in War with Frost

Known Russian actor Anatoly Otradnov (acted in such popular films and soup operas as: "Zaytsev+1", "Alien", "Glukhar”, "Interns", "University", "Soldiers", "Volkov’s Hour" and many others) on January, 29th went from home and in several fays was found dead in Mytischi situated near Moscow. According to preliminary data, no traces of violent death were found on a body, obviously something happened to the heart of the actor, he fell in the street and died of congelation.
Exact cause of death will be established by forensic scientists. It is already known that Otradnov died on January, 30th. Dead actor renting apartment in Moscow had pregnant wife.
- In the beginning of a week during discussion of next Putin’s article in RIA News I paid attention of the present on a creeping line: yesterday night 10 people died of congelation in Moscow, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminded. - I said that economic and social programs change, even social and economic formation changes, while figure in 250-300 frozen to death in Moscow every winter remain stable for many years. I have been writing about it for many years, every winter. In 2007 when there was money I walked to the streets with brigade of young left active members - to gather people who could freeze. Initiative received no wide public support, not to mention state one. Probably, the state and the society are quite satisfied that every winter the frost takes away as many lives as some small war.
"The death of the actor Otradnov of, in general, ridiculous reason can attract attention of society that it’s not modern to die of congelation in the streets of modern cities in planned order, if not to say that it’s not progressive, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - By the way, not vagabonds and scum of society, but quite respectable citizens die because of frosts, they do it under very simple scheme: one feels badly - falls - freezes. Well, even if one comes back home having drunk – everything can happen... It doesn’t threaten Putin or Sobyanin, of course – in such case their guard will help them. It’s not a problem of the power – big thing - two-three hundreds dead men, women will give birth to new ones. If authorities care about it, ten thousand policemen and military men of the internal troops aimed at dispersals of peace meetings would patrol streets in frosts – would rescue people. But authorities don’t need it. However for some reason in Helsinki with population of all in all half-million people, 10 thousand volunteers walk to the streets each weekends to gather drunk that they won’t freeze. And what about Moscow?"

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