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Parfyonov Showed What “Oppositionist” He Is

Parfyonov Showed What “Oppositionist” He Is

At the height of the next election campaign “Commersant TV” represents a series of dialogues of Leonid Parfyonov with political figures. The former Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin became Parfyonov's first interlocutor.

— You became for us public figure after you made your declaration about readiness to be the intermediary in negotiations between the power and opposition. These negotiations haven't begun yet. What are the reasons?

— It seems to me that the power is in absolutely non-standard for itself situation. It is not quite ready to perceive what’s going on. That there are also other reason but for falsification of elections for protest, for certain pressure in society. Therefore protection of property rights of already appeared middle class is not enough – no matter what they say. There are a number of other problems: elections, falsification of elections, discontent. As a result elections became such detonator, a trigger.

— What do you think, if the power is really not ready? After all you don’t say that it’s opposition which isn't ready to negotiations, to dialogue.

— Opposition is more likely ready to begin negotiations. Though there’s still no accurate representation of borders of that group which it represent. As meeting didn’t give accurate understanding of that border. There are polls which show that there were the communists, the members of Yabloko, the members of LDPR and “Fair Russia” as well as nationalists and members of unregistered parties there. Therefore, it’s a big problem to decide how to act on behalf of all of them. I just put forward as the main problem of opposition to define the structure it is possible to say on behalf of and to make up agenda point by point.

From editorial board: How did Parfyonov happen to appear on Bolotnaya Square in general? I suspect that it happened casually – someone called him and he came. His personality wasn’t seen among organizers, what was the reason? If to make public speech – why not? A person remained without work - popular, clever person...

Then it was suddenly found out that the national protest has two main spokesmen - Akunin and Parfyonov. As Marx and Engels but on the contrary.

Putin already hinted that he is ready to meet. Work for "Commersant TV" is also a hint. It’s the same that in the Soviet period you would be invited to "Pravda", body of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Then it is possible of course to talk about independence and opposition...

So what do people want under Parfyonov-Kudrin's version? Well, it appears they want to be talked to in amicable way. Certainly not with all people, but with the best representatives. For example, with Parfyonov.

Putin is also not against to talk to people. He doesn’t spare?

Kudrin, by the way, talked to Putin already two times. Well, he is clear thing respectful person, Putin won’t meet with everyone. Well, for a while he is still thinking if he can talk to some akunins-parfenovs... Perhaps they will take money instead?

All somehow forgot what people demanded on meetings on December, 10th and 24th. People demanded not a meeting of Parfyonov with Putin, but absolutely-absolutely different things. For example, to dismiss illegally elected Duma. We will note, not to recount votes so that, say, Mironov or Zhirinovsky get more, but to tell the whole kit and caboodle to jump in the lake!

I openly told it from a tribune on Bolotnaya Square: "Let all of them go to Paris, London, Canary Islands, jump in the lake!" It’s interesting that people accept it lively. They liked it even. I can’t say anything about 24th - Parfyonov was already in record there, while I wasn't at all – I was in the crowd, listened to Kudrin...

There was one more requirement - to cancel presidential elections before change of the legislation and voting rules.

Today it suddenly turns out so that we have no other more important problem than to choose - for who from those whom Putin appointed in sparring partners to vote. Say, it appears somehow unconvincing without our voices. Putin won and that’s all. It is necessary that there were songs...

Now it’s really not clear, what the reason for Putin to talk to Parfyonov is? Kudrin is quite enough...

Аnatoly Baranov


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