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Nazarbayev Gets Away with Executions – Other Should Get Prepared

Nazarbayev Gets Away with Executions – Other Should Get Prepared

On January, 15th Hillary Clinton declared that the USA congratulates Nazarbayev “with successful and democratically carried out elections”. Final data of “elections without choice” will be known on January, 22nd, but the difference with official information sounded on January, 16th will be insignificant. Therefore many representatives of “international community” have already started bringing congratulations “with victory in fair and open elections” to Nazarbayev.

Representatives of mission of OSCE who directly declared that elections didn’t correspond to the international standards were consistent. The chairman of parliamentary assembly of OSCE Zhoao Soaresh declared:

- Despite declarations of the government about intention to strengthen democratic processes in Kazakhstan and to carry out elections according to OSCE obligations, yesterday's extraordinary parliamentary elections don't correspond to fundamental principles of democratic elections.

"These elections passed in conditions of rigidly controllable environment with serious restrictions of suffrages of citizens", — head of mission of observers of ODIHR Miklosh Harasti echoed him.

The Kazakhstan opposition didn't recognize results of elections. As the cochairman of thee party "Аzat" Bolat Abilov declared, they would insist on cancellation of results of voting. On Tuesday “Azat” organizes protest meeting with this purpose. The authorities authorized carrying out of the action in suburbs of Alma-Ata. However it doesn't suit opposition. "On Tuesday we go on Republic Square, not on the ground behind cinema "Saryarka", — secretary general Amirzhan Kosanov declared. — Members of the political council of the party will come to express disagreement with dirty elections".

15 oil industry workers from among strikers were detained on January, 15th in Zhanaozen. Interview which they gave to journalists of TV channel "Al-Dzhazira” became the reason of detention, according to townsmen, now the workers are demand to give the “names of organizers of December disorders”. They are promised to receive freedom in exchange for “a pair or more names”.

- Now we are next to culture centre "Мunajshy”, we are not allowed to stay on the square, — dismissed oil industry worker told to the journalist of the newspaper "Republic". — Our requirements are - that all oil industry workers who are now in the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs should be release and reprisals stopped, you know that they visit houses, carry out searches and take oil industry workers directly from homes away.


From editorial board: Apparently, opposition in Kazakhstan will fail to carry out meetings similar to Moscow ones and protest against obviously unfair elections will fade away to break then in the most unexpected place.

All is nasty enough - the West openly supported Nazarbayev, that is it showed that local princelings can do whatever they want with natives, let oil, gas and raw materials be delivered in time and performances of the dissatisfied be stopped in time. Deputies from EuroParliament are not taken into consideration – they will talk for some time and then will calm down.

Naturally, the same concerns not only Kazakhstan, but also Russia, Belarus and even Ukraine. "Cattle" can be pressed even with usage of tanks.

Putin will make some more advances and will draw what he wants in March. If they painted 80% to the party in power after execution of workers in Kazakhstan at 75 percent voter participation, Putin can be quiet - Europe will eat 51 percent in the first round. And then... By the way why do we have in Russia internal troops numerically surpassing army? To protect from attacks of the internal enemy obviously...

Paul Lobkov has been just dismissed from NTV - for shot but not gone on the air report about falsifications on elections. Unless it’s not the answer to a society? Pail should be happy as he got off cheap, I believe they will start placing into prison after March.

Anatoly Baranov

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