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Luzhkov Decided to Combine Payment Document with Driving License

Luzhkov Decided to Combine Payment Document with Driving License

Mayor of Moscow Jury Luzhkov suggests to use electronic cards of Muscovites as driving license. As he declared today at conference of Association of Capitals and Large Cities "Regional Information. Priorities and Decisions" it's possible to use cards of Muscovite in wide enough spectrum.


For example, negotiations about using of these cards as "electronic driving license". "For the time this system does not work but in the long term we consider to introduce it", - mayor noted.


He added that now 3,5 million people in the city use electronic cards of Muscovites, the majority of them - pensioners. Due to these cards they receive discounts in the shops, privileges at payment of housing and municipal services and free-of-charge travel in public transport.


Let's remind, that since July, 2008 change of driving licenses is being carried out. The new document was developed according to the European Convention which is joined by more than 70 states. Last time mass change of license took place 10 years ago in 1998 and validity period document issued then already came to an end.


From editorial board: Sometimes applications of representatives of the Russian authorities can stump everybody. It is enough to look at this card to understand - it differs from driving license very much. It, as a matter of fact, is a usual plastic card visa - electron of Bank of Moscow which is used to get some social payments and for the payment of this and that. It can't be identification card.


Further, emission of these cards is carried out, as it follows from inscriptions on them, by the commercial bank authorized by the government of Moscow. Driving license is the document which is not simply certifying a person but also is simply - the state document. Besides. if to receive plastic bank card it is not necessary to possess any special knowledge and skills, to receive driving license you need to pass certain exams.


The more so - driving license can be taken away - but how it is possible to take away payment document?


On the contrary, plastic card in certain cases can be left in cash dispenser (sometimes by mistake) - what to do in this case?


Another thing. Except for Moscow there are other cities and even other countries. How it will be possible to travel with such "license" by car outside of jurisdiction of Moscow?


The most important question - what all this shit for? What for to combine the payment document with the driving license?


There is no answer...


By the way, to receive driving license is necessary to pass a medical board including - the doctor - psychiatrist. While to occupy the state posts and to introduce interesting initiatives no strict medical board is stipulated. So, may be we will start from this problem?


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