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Christmas in the Country of Won Heresy

Christmas in the Country of Won Heresy

Carol service takes place in the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow. The service is headed by patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Cyril.

In his pastoral he in particular noticed that past year was not easy in life of many countries and peoples, however today the main novitiates touch not material, but spiritual sphere.

"Spiritual measurement finds out prime and most serious world outlook challenge of our time. This challenge is directed on destruction of moral sense put in our soul by God", - the patriarch considers.

The president Dmitry Medvedev with his spouse were present on the service which started at night, more than 8,5 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation provide safety of inhabitants of Moscow during Christmas celebrating. In particular police officers, military men of internal troops and combatants provide safety. Enforced squads are placed next to 282 orthodox temples. The territory adjoining to them is surveyed by cynologists with dogs.

- All testifies that the president and patriarch are not strong in belief, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov thinks. – “Without God’s will even a single hair will not fall from your head”, - the Christ said, he didn’t teach to hide from people behind the backs of the Federal Protective Service and police. We can give a pass to Mitya-president, he is a secular person, while the patriarch is in general monk. What does the monk need protection for? What does he have to protect? Though may be someone attempts spiritual measurement – they will steal moral sense of the patriarch, what will he do without it? Besides doggies - are charitable creatures, they will feel world outlook challenge and will bite it to death. In this context our hierarches left Jesus far behind, as we know, Jesus went by donkey and used personal protection only hanging on a cross.

The day before the head of Synod department of mutual relations of church and society Vsevolod Chaplin urged nationalists to express their political position more actively. The mighty and some part of people can get impression after "ten-days’ “fun”” that all has returned into place, to political calm of last decade. No, it hasn't and will already never return”, — archpriest noticed.

On his belief, the will of people to political activity shouldn’t be constrained — at any level - local, regional, national. “Such will, on the contrary, should be supported”, — pater Vsevolod declared, having added thus that “it is a shame to leaders of the Russian organizations to stand on one tribune with Nemtsov, Kasparov, Sobchak”. According to the priest, it is necessary to begin “serious national dialogue about bases of political and economic organization of the county, including the role and status of Russian people”.

“I think that patriotic Russian movements which have own speakers – I mean Mr. Tor and many others – have the right to express their opinion without mixing themselves up with people who, being in due time either in power, or very close to power, compromised themselves with actions problematic enough from the point of view of justice, conscience, interests of the majority of people. These people should have own political voice, they should have adequate possibilities for expression of their opinion both in politics and in mass media. I consider it mistake that such social layers allow to use themselves as puppets”, - he said.

- Here you are the savior of fatherland, - Anatoly Baranov noticed. – I even want to ask archpriest: "You, patter, is party?” For there are among us Jews and Hellenes who, of course, shouldn’t be among. Instead of strong athletes we have only speakers, but it’s ok. The main thing is that the church in the name of Mr. Chaplin got defined and knows where Russian people should stay and with whom.

"Russia loses its political will just because it doesn't participate at full capacity in world political processes. We sent ships to the coast of Syria – it’s good, but it should be only the beginning. Russia can quite be present in all those places where people are anxious by danger of color experiments over these or that peoples, Russia can do it in military way as well, full-scaled - even if it will mean participation in military operations", - Chaplin considers.

"If the power doesn't want to be slowly bited to death and people don’t want to feed stranger’s army and business, it is necessary to pass from "stability" to dictatorship of conscience and will. To the political and moral will. A lot of things which take place in Russia are deeply abnormal and don't answer the will of people. The heritage of the 90s of the last century should be resolutely overcome".

- Well, actually "Triumph of Will" performed by the speaker of the Russian Orthodox Church, - Anatoly Baranov was surprised. - The Jews and Bolsheviks aren’t mentioned somehow, though, as it is known, they contain all evil. Color revolutions, it means, it’s possible to suppress using tanks. It is charitable. Dictatorship would also be in time - like in orthodox Romania during World War II. I feel that regimental chaplain dies in archpriest Chaplin. Here some Trotskysts and other Jews spread seditious: "Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy: but I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that persecute you”. (Matt. 5: 44). So, those who repeat it- are caught and taken into prison.

Have you got it?


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