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Political Asylum for Timoshenko’s Husband in Europe Kills Euro Integration of Ukraine

Political Asylum for Timoshenko’s Husband in Europe Kills Euro Integration of Ukraine

Authorities of the Czech Republic agreed to give political asylum to Alexander Timoshenko - the spouse of the ex-prime minister of Ukraine. As Boston.com writes, the fact of granting of a refuge was confirmed to the journalists by representative of the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Repka. The husband of the former prime minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko asked for political asylum in the Czech Republic in the end of last year. From that time he has been living in the country. Today his application was considered by two departments — the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Little is known about Alexander Timoshenko. He is 51, he is businessman and nonpublic person. In public the spouse of the ex-prime minister of Ukraine started appearing only after the criminal case was brought against his wife.

- Actually if the European Union country and the Czech Republic is the member of the European Union gives political asylum to members of a family of the political prisoner - it is very nasty prognostic sign for relations between Ukraine and EU, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. – If a pressure is put upon the family of the former prime minister in homeland - what democracy we are talking about... That’s a pity as Ukraine had quite good chance to slip between eastern despotism and western neo-colonialism. But Timoshenko's ridiculous enough case, of course, brought all these hopes to nothing. Even if Timoshenko together with Putin simply stole cash and hid it in bosom - all the same they shouldn’t bring it to imprisonment. Perhaps, even if tomorrow she will be amnestied thanks to Yanukovych - all the same it will be late, it’s already done with Euro integration of Ukraine. While with movement to the east... Well, perhaps it’s even worse.

The daughter of the ex-prime minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko Eugenie on January, 5th visited mum in the Kachanovsky penal colony № 54 in Kharkov for the first time. As Timoshenko's official site informs, the meeting with the ex-prime minister passed in a separate room for appointments. According to E.Timoshenko, there’s a bed in this room.

“Mum stay in bed all the time, she doesn't rise, it’s painful for her to sit. She lay all the time while we communicated”, — she added.

- Other pair of such details and Yanukovych would have to declare the state of emergency on the country as in Kazakhstan before following elections, - Anatoly Baranov considers.

The court of Kharkov forbade to carry out actions against the walls of the colony where the ex-prime minister of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko stays...

It’s also possible to forbid people to cry. Let all rejoice.


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