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To the Question about Meeting on January, 9th: Capital or All-Russia Job?

To the Question about Meeting on January, 9th: Capital or All-Russia Job?
Baranov Anatoly 07.01.2012

At first let’s imagine such picture – comrade Karpov (alias Old man, alias Lenin), having made public speech in a private residence of Kshesinskaya before revolutionary sailors and other public, takes Trotsky and Kirov away and says:

- Now, guys, let’s have fun with gipsies, then go to Paris to chansonette, thanks God we still have money of the German Joint Staff. Revolution will wait, we will come back in a month and a half – and finish the matter.

It’s ridiculous but this is the way so-called "leaders" of the national protest behave today. Therefore the nearest meeting is planned already on February, 4th, however, nobody has submitted application, so nobody knows if it will be agreed. Rupture between December, 24th and February, 4th - one and a half month. In 1917 such period was enough for suppression of Kornilov’s mutiny and for passing from Provisional government to the Directory.

What do you think – if they in the Kremlin celebrate New Year swimming in warm seas? Or they are preparing us something?

We see changes in the Presidential Administration management, we see changes on the top of the government, we are about to see that the Ministry of Defense will be headed by respectable and still not old admiral instead of Serdyukov... Changes in the management of special services and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are quite possible. But one can’t see any changes in the field of retaliatory legal proceedings and indicative police. That is requirements of meetings which passed on December, 10th and 24th were not executed at all - and at the moment when requirements to the power need to be increased, not to be weakened "revolutionaries" go on New Year's vacation? Later – relaxed and suntanned, obviously, with new forces they will head the national protest...

Obviously, those not system opposition forces which "glamour opposition" so diligently squeezed out from the tribunes receive some kind of odds - I do not think that even 10% of those who acted from the tribune on Saharov Square today are in Moscow.

Well, already last year we declared the meeting on January, 9th in the street called Ulitsa 1905 Goda in Moscow – the date is clear, therefore, likely, there will be no questions why the left act as applicants. But if representatives of other political views come and would have the desire to tell something – they are welcome, we don’t take money for such possibility, everything is simple: if you what to speak – do it.

Certainly, the basic theme is memory of died on January, 9th, 1905 workers, those who were shot at the order of St. Nikolay Romanov. It’s symbolic - he shoots workers and in "new Russia" he is canonized. But there are also new events, unfortunately, not less gloomy - execution of the workers in Kazakhstan. At the order of also almost sacred Nursultan Nazarbayev who has received recently a title of Elbosy (approximately the same as Turkmenbashi only in Kazakhstan) being from the tribune of their one-party parliament frankly called Shining...

I assure you that now both Putin and all other dictators on the post-Soviet territory follow the events in Kazakhstan precisely – if Nazarvayev-Elbosy will get away with bloody execution and tortures of the workers, "the Kazakhstan experience" will be extended everywhere on the territory of the CIS and in Russia first of all. While Nazarbayev prolonged state of emergency for one more month - not all traces of murders and tortures have been liquidated. If someone thinks that Kazakhstan is far and it has no relation to him – you are sadly mistaken. After all Putin repeatedly named Nazarbayev his teacher...

Under this link: http:// www.facebook.com/events/204756509615234ou/ - it’s a group in "Facebook", you can declare your participation in the action her or to inform organizers on something. Here you are similar link on Vkontakte: http://vkontakte.ru/mosco w9jan2012

We want you to pay attention - 2 (two) pro-Putin sittings are appointed on the same day - one is carried out by Kurginyan, other by Dugin. Try not to mix.

But there is a question which has been taken out in heading. Moscow and Peter go to the streets, what about other Russia?

Actually, simultaneously with action on December, 10th and 24th similar meeting and pickets took place in more than 150 cities of Russia, though they had far not such mass character. But they passed. Propaganda machine of the power tries to make this rapture between the capital and provinces play – say, it is capital bourgeoisie isn't satisfied with Putin, while people are very happy and are going to vote for him on March, 4th.

By the way, “glamour opposition” accompanied the authorities in it deliberately or no, paying practically no attention to the province where, by the way, as a rule all actions had and have left character, or were even simply organized by the communists. "Status" communists from the management of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation keeps profile, not playing active role in anything, muttering something on the sly to the right and to the left and dividing the Duma committees.

This rupture should be overcome urgently. Civil committees (association of voters) are in the process of formation, there real left opposition is not in small part. All of us don't leave anywhere, all of us here - and will be here.

Though there is such offer - to make regions participate actively in the work of these committees and associations. How?

There necessarily should be quota for regional representatives on meetings in Moscow and Petersburg - not for some "women beaten by husbands”, there are in the Russian provinces many very known and very respected in the country people. They should be present on the meeting in the capital - I don't see any reasons why Boris Akunin can't concede his (?) place to Zakhar Prilepin, for example.

But there is more essential thing - why all personalities of the capital opposition should show themselves on the capital meetings? I’d rather go and act somewhere in Rostov-on-Don or Petrozavodsk. Yes, there will be fewer people there, but unless it matters?

I think it is necessary simply to delegate "commissioners" to the region, to allocate regions to them, to drag people from these regions to the capital, to create real network of civil committees.

That will be our answer to the question – what could be done before March, 4th.

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