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Opposition Cut a Voice, the Power Suddenly Lost Hearing Sense

Opposition Cut a Voice, the Power Suddenly Lost Hearing Sense

Our president Mitya, like late Yeltsin operating the country by radio, also decided to master skills of remote work. Not once Russia receives supervising impulses from Twitter, through Facebook. Soon, I believe, he would do it using sms. I think, late St. Nikolay II, if he had Internet at the time, could write renunciation in some social network being in Nice – he would have remained safe and sound...

Here you are - our Mitya informs us from distance: "Under the Constitution citizens of Russia have a freedom of speech and a freedom of assembly. People have the right to state their position and they did it yesterday. It is good that all passed in frameworks of law. I do not agree either with slogans, or with the statements which were heard on the meeting. Nevertheless I gave instruction to check up all messages from the polling districts connected with following of legislation on elections".

If I were Mitya, I would delicately keep silent about freedom of assembly which citizens of Russia have under the Constitution... Or else on a wall, like in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar, figure 31 can inadvertently appear. In the period from December, 4 till December, 6th the constitutional right of citizens on freedom of assembly was supported by hundreds detentions, beatings and police reports which were serviceably stamped in courts, so dexterously that already after December, 6th there were no places for detained people.

May bу we’d open stadiums, what do you think, Mitya? For people, as in Chile?

The fact that the president does not agree with slogans and statements of citizens is seen as long as he writes in Facebook instead of going to the known short address. Though the road is open and the Constitution guarantees citizens of the Russian Federation freedom of travel.

But the main thing is that Mitya promised to begin checks on polling districts – unless someone asked him about it?

Following the results of meeting the following resolution consisting of five requirements was accepted: "Immediate release of all political prisoners", "cancellation of results of the forged elections", "resignation of the chairman of the Central Electoral Commission Vladimir Churov", "registration of opposition parties and acceptance of the democratic legislation on parties and elections" and "new open and fair elections".

Where do we speak here about checks? If to speak about statements which were heard on the meeting, it’s possible to consider resignation of Churov the softest and compromise variant – actually people demanded a steamship for all "Petersburg criminal gang”. In the end of his performance Michael Delyagin, for example, said: "Rats should leave!" I can’t understand, if Mitya thinks it has connection to the rodents? May be he is going to give order to Onischenko to execute the requirement of the Muscovites on clearing of a city of these animals?

It is necessary to say that representatives of so-called "system" opposition also have problems with hearing sense. For example, Gennady Gudkov interpreted decisions of the meeting where he took active part in the following way: “We do not need it now, we need the vote recount in a number of large regions such as Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Astrakhan. I think five-six large regions is necessary to recalculate”, - Gudkov underlined, while acting on the above-mentioned meeting he was much more radical promising to hand over the deputy mandate.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation didn’t promise to hand over their mandates, its management simply suddenly convinced itself that 100 thousand Muscovites came to the square to help Zyuganov's party to receive more deputy places. They, seemingly, are really sure that 19 percent which the Central Electoral Committee drew to them - reflexion of their indefatigable care of workers and needies and not direct consequence of cancellation of the column "against all". By the way, Fair Russia and LDPR also suffer similar aberration of consciousness.

However, Fair Russia recently has offered more skillful plan: say it is necessary to recount votes to take arithmetic majority away from the United Russia and then the Duma opposition will create coalition in the manner of Ukrainian one, will pass new elective law and will declare early election of deputies... Probably, they really consider voters feeble-minded, not understanding that if three parties aren't capable to agree on simultaneous handing over of mandates, that even under the current legislation will mean re-elections, then they will unite in the new parliament to deprive themselves of deputy places salaries. Well, by the way, even if they would decide, the Federation Council won't support such law and the president simply won't sign it. To overcome the presidential veto already two third of voices of the Duma are necessary.

So, enough about imaginations of the tops. It is necessary to go again to "Maidan-Tahrir on Bolotnaya" on December, 24th, but already with more rigid requirements.

No "oppositional deputies" - if someone wants to listen to verbiage, we can help to get connected to a direct transmission in the State Duma.

No "system oppositionists" – if you want to be with people, leave system.

It is necessary to be ready to stay on the square till the requirements are fulfilled - one day, two days, a week. Rotation of people, rest, vigil again, but there should be a lot of people on the square constantly, otherwise it will be mopped up.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

On Monday, on December, 12th organizers (Sergey Parkhomenko, Anastasia Udaltsova, Nadezhda Mityushkina and Sergey Davidis) are going to submit two notices. One notice will be submitted to the Presidential Administration and commandant's office of the Kremlin for carrying out of meeting on Manezhnaya Square with quantity of participants up to 30 000 people. The second notice – for carrying out of meeting on Prospekt Saharova with similar quantity of participants. Organizers are ready to negotiations with representatives of authorities of the capital concerning the place of meetings.

PS. Very big request – someone place it in Facebook and throw to Twitter, they don't perceive it aurally, but may be they still are capable to read...


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