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Elected President of South Ossetia Is Preparing for Emigration

Elected President of South Ossetia Is Preparing for Emigration

Elected president of South Ossetia Alla Dzhioeva, most likely, will ask for political asylum, though she hasn't decided yet in what country. Dzhioeva informed "Interfax" about it, having told that on Tuesday her colleagues would have an extraordinary session of the state council created by them where she would make the decision. What happened in South Ossetia after cancellation of the results of presidential election Dzhioeva named junta.

On Tuesday the Supreme Court rejected Dzhioeva's appeal from a judgment on recognition of last elections void.

Earlier Dzhioeva declared that she plans to withdraw appeal having no hope for fair court. She declared herself the president of the republic and her supporters are going to carry out inauguration of Dzhioeva in the near future.

Meanwhile the working president of South Ossetia Edward Kokojta declared intervention of special services of Georgia into the internal affairs of the republic.

"It is already authentically established that special services of Georgia sponsor "orange revolution" in South Ossetia", - Kokojta told to "Interfax" on Tuesday.

He declared resolute answer of the authorities "on threats and actions of provokers". Messages that two colleagues of Dzhioeva were detained on a charge of weapon storage though, as mass-media informed not once, almost all inhabitants of South Ossetia have weapon.

From editorial board: Unfortunately summing-up of the results of "elections" in Russia unties hands to Kokojta's mode being supported by the Kremlin against Dzhioeva whom the Kremlin for some reason doesn't like. Instead of increasing pressure upon the power Dzhioeva and her supporters undertook "stratagem" - they voted for "United Russia", it's good that the majority of inhabitants of South Ossetia have not only weapon, but also the Russian passports. Probably, this way they wanted to show the Kremlin loyalty of the Ossetians at any outcome of standing in opposition in the republic.

80,13% of the Ossetians voted for "United Russia", all in all 13.39 thousand inhabitants of South Ossetia took part in elections into the State Duma. The Kremlin didn't take notice of "caving in" and the population of Russia in its majority treating the party in power rather disapprovingly would hardly start struggle jealously for the rights South Ossetia's cookies after such maneuver.

Actually, South Ossetia voted on the Russian "elections" the same way as the majority of North Caucasian republics, with that difference that if in the republics which are formally a part of the Russian Federation it can be put down to administrative pressure, in South Ossetia they voted for "United Russia" quite voluntary. It is clear that Caucasus votes not for Putin, but for subventions from the federal budget, but other Russia doesn't approve this budgetary policy.

Apparently, the Ossetians, having voted for "United Russia" solved also the destiny of Dzhioeva's presidency. After all we told - don't participate in fictitious elections, the more so you have own - true one...



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