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Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Region Officially Declares about Scales of Corruption in Administration of the Region Boggling Imagination

Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Region Officially Declares about Scales of Corruption in Administration of the Region Boggling Imagination

"Corruption scales in Moscow suburbs amaze even law enforcement bodies", - governmental "The Russian Newspaper" writes. The Deputy Chief of Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow Region Maxim Slesarev explained that "law enforcement bodies were closely engaged in this problem last year. Some criminal cases connected with the heads of municipal unions were initiated".

The head of Mozhaisk area Vladimir Nasonov got into "the black list" - he wasted more than one million roubles for gifts to higher officials from reserve fund of municipality. Nasonov is dismissed. One of these days the case against one more former head of Krasnoarmeysk Michael Bulgakov was directed to court, together with his partner - the head of the city Commercial and Industrial Chamber Sergey Titenko he extorted about 9 million dollars from the general director of agency of the real estate.

Maxim Slesarev spoke about other examples on press conference. In particular, he said that inspectors conducted cases in relation to the head of administration of one of the city settlements suspected of plunder of more than 4 million roubles allocated by the government of the area on repair of a roof of sport school and purchase of furniture for it. As it became known, it's spoken about Anatoly Afanaskin - the head of science town. However, corruption affected also other authorities. In particular, one of the criminal groupings, using "friends" - extortioners in Odintsovsky department of Federal registration service across Moscow Region, having forged documents, illegally reregistered 11 land plots. The amount of damage for budgets of all levels made 208 million roubles.

Financial crisis forced inspectors to concentrate on control over no-purpose expenditure of budget money. Last year Administration on Tax Crimes of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs situated near Moscow managed to return more than 5,6 billion roubles to the treasury. Now, according to the deputy chief of the Administration on Tax Crimes of the Municipal Departments of Internal Affairs of the region Andrey Nahabin, 10 criminal cases related with organized criminal groups are being investigated, which, on a version of investigation, stole more than 5 billion roubles from the budget.

By the way, yesterday it became known about excitation of criminal case against assistant to the head of Bronnitsy. He is suspected of transfer about 190 million roubles for civil and erection works on municipal objects to the account of fly-by-night company.


From editorial board: Well, the governor of Moscow Region Boris Gromov, probably, believes it is necessary to struggle not with corruption among officials subordinated to him but with those who pays attention to total larceny in the midst of near Moscow officials. Successes of the general in a fight against corruption are modest, while in struggle against "looking glass" which can't be blamed for the plain face, on the contrary, the results are impressing.


For example, the governor general won the claim against "Moscow Truth" and Oleg Mitvol. The governor of Moscow Region Boris Gromov considered that harm to his reputation and reputation of the government of Moscow Region was made by publication on January, 31st, 2007 in the newspaper "Moscow Truth" by article under the heading "How Gromov Could Answer for Everything?". The article was prepared on motives of press conference of Oleg Mitvol. The article quotes Oleg Mitvol's words about "quite good business in the Moscow suburbs connected with larceny of the state land", "larceny of the state money" and "theft of almost all Zvenigorodsky timber enterprise".

"It's interesting to me, how it's possible answer and not to be imprisoned", - Mitvol said then. Meanwhile it's stated in the claim that "affirmations about "larceny of the state land and money" could be proved to be true exclusively by court".

It seemed that it's impossible to win the claim in general, especially in relation of "Moscow Truth" - in fact the newspaper reproduced materials of press conference of the government official, this fact under the law on mass-media unequivocally relieves it from responsibility. As to Mitvol's words, all comments to corresponding clauses confirms that if the concrete person accused in something ihas not been given, the responsibility for a phrase such as "They steal in Moscow suburbs" in no way could be attributed to the concrete person.
Now it appears - it is possible. Russia - the country of unlimited opportunities. Both newspaper and Мitvol were condemned to payment of "moral indemnification" to the governor though today it is already obvious that the state land has been stealing - minister of the regional government is in search in this connection, money has been also stealing - look above, there are also many different crimes made by near Moscow officials. Though it was found out that it's impossible to talk about it. Honour, dignity and reputation of "the supreme official" of the Moscow area suffer.


The same way "the supreme official" has quite long list of claims to me in connection with his rather ambiguous reputation (at that it refers to the article written not by me but by other person with surname Drozdov). For example, here you are:

 "... from the moment of submission of letter of resignation at own will by Kuznetsov (Minister of Finance of the regional government - author's notes), at least two Ministers of Economic Affairs of the Moscow area were changed. There's big disorder which not everyone will decide to rake, then someone should be responsible for concealment of corruption circuits. So, default of the region - quite natural phenomenon, the result of long-term unpunished official abusings";

"... why didn't the Governor during many years dismiss subordinates on whom he received so many claims both from public organizations and economic entity? Whether he didn't know, did not hear? What is then the reason to make surprised face and to speak about some "under-carpet struggle" started against him by unknown political forces... ";

"... what will the federal authorities demand in exchange?... changes of the Governor and his team or they will simply stop up the "hole" which was gnawed through by local corrupted persons at the cost of the Russians, having left "rodents" an opportunity to continue their mean business. There is one more variant - change of the Governor at preservation of his team - experts on barging away of the treasury";


Confess that on a background of loud corruption processes in the Moscow area it will look silly, if at the same time courts will satisfy claims of "the supreme official" to those who informed on these scandalous facts in press.

Anatoly Baranov

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