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What Do You Want from Me, Serega Sobyanin?

What Do You Want from Me, Serega Sobyanin?

"What's the reason to intercept and to tape secretly speeches of city-managers and the governor promising blessings for the support of "United Russia", if capital mayor does it openly and in written form!?"-  human rights organization "For Human Rights" writes in a letter to editors office.

Really, what's the reason, if agitprop of the capital mayor Sobyanin - is a kind of "acknowledgment of guilt":


Dear Muscovites,

Dear Friends,

Elections in the parliament will take place in several days. Your choice is very important. The way both our country and our city will live and develop depends on it. Therefore I decided to address You.

All of us should attentively and reasonably make the decision for whom to vote, whom to give power, whom to trust our future.

My daughter recently has asked me: "If there's any difference what party will be in majority in the State Duma? If it's not all the same?

As practical man who is engaged in problems of the city from day to day, I'll try to answer this question not going into details of the political platforms.

The State Duma passes laws on taxes, budget and inter-budget relations between Federation and regions.

If "United Russia" (where I am one of the leaders) will be in majority in the State Duma, we will receive guarantee that Moscow will keep its stable budget and that all our Moscow programs will be realized. These are - programs on development of transport. Health service. Social protection. Education. Culture. Sport. Building and repair of housing sector. Improvement of the city.

Results of elections will to a large extent mean for me if you support me and what we have started to change in our city together.

Therefore I ask You to go to the polls on December, 4th and to vote for the party "United Russia".

It's necessary to believe in yourself, to love Russia where we were born and grew up, to love Moscow which we are justly proud of.


I am sure, we will succeed.



Sergey Sobyanin



You haven't mentioned in your agitprop your patronymic, so likely you have nothing against your calling by name, without ceremony. The more so we are of the same age, it will not be inconvenient.

Tell me, who are you to agitate me for elections? Unless I, as well as other 12,5 million Muscovites, chose you? No, you were handed down to us. For what merits - I also don't know. Firstly, nobody reported it to me and secondly, I believe that you have some merits nevertheless - only not before me and not before 12,5 million Muscovites like me, but before those who appointed you. Well, then you should address them and you don't have any authority for me.

When you, Serega, was far away from Moscow, we got such phenomenon as democracy. Different good people explained us that Moscow needs mayor - that is elective town governor. Thus we chose our first mayor - professor Gavrila Popov - simultaneously with the first Russian president Boris Yeltsin - the drunk.

The first mayor reigned not long, for a year, then he abandoned the post having left instead of himself imperceptible little man in a cap who was once asked by deputies about his political orientation. He answered: "I on the side of vegetables!" (Before he was a head of the capital vegetable warehouses which had proud-comical name Mosgoragroprom). So, this outstanding little man controlled the city just short of 20 years.

Actually, elections in the capital at this little man turned to a farce. Let's note that own elections which under the law should be carried out in 3 months after resignation of the former mayor he dared to organize only in 6 years, remaining all these years "acting". Certainly, he "won" them with tremendously devastating figures - he got 87,5%. Then he "won" two more times, but he became cleverer, the results were not so "Uzbek" - 70 and 74 percent...

Naturally, after such "democracy" cancellation of elections of the mayor - affected few.

The day when you was suddenly appointed instead of Luzhkov who turned in one day from "the father of city" into the one whom he actually was - plunderer of the national property caught red-handed, the worm of doubt flashed at me: may be this guy Serega, the former mayor of the Siberian Kogalym, would return the capital the main thing - real self-management of citizens. Having begun, naturally, from himself, from new elections in the Moscow municipal Duma, from new approval of the capital mayor by already new, elected following not Luzhkov's rules deputies... It turned out to be differently. You got satisfied both with deputies of former convocation and that level of legitimacy which was measured to you in the Kremlin. You had no desire to become personality, you even hadn't tried.

You got engaged in things for doing which you were taken to the capital - to justify high trust of those who for some unknown to me merits appointed you to supervise Moscow.

Though you should agree - in this case neither your appointment, nor your fitting in occupied high post - is simply not my business. As well as not business of other 12,5 million citizens, whom you were given for feeding you, as at the time of serfdom muzhiks were given together with villages (you also took yourself other villages and muzhiks, having made all woods and bogs up to the Kaluga region Moscow without anybody's permission).

Well, don't call me to participate in "elections" which price is bullshit! The more so you call to vote for "United Russia" being the secretary of political council Moscow City Regional Department there. Your played mean tricks predecessor was already the cochairman of the High council of the party "United Russia". Only he was both appointed and dismissed then from it without any elections and parties... I think your destiny will be the same.

So, let me send you to one known Russian address, the same way as your party and your chief. Good luck to you, go and don't come back...

Аnatoly Baranov, Muscovite  

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