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If the Ministry of the Interior Is Going to Hire Local Police Officers from Ethnic Communities?

If the Ministry of the Interior Is Going to Hire Local Police Officers from Ethnic Communities?

The Ministry of the Interior plans to hire local police officers on the ground of the national origin. Thus it is supposed to improve work of police with diasporas living in Russia. Local police officer should know the language and customs of people with whom he should communicate, the chief of the central administrative board of the Ministry of the Interior of Moscow Region Nikolay Golovkin who sounded the offer is convinced, radio station "Mayak" transfers.

It is expected that representatives of different nationalities will pass special training to occupy then the post in those regions where mainly their compatriots live. The task of policemen - to find common language with fellow countrymen. New technique, they consider in the Ministry of the Interior, will allow to understand situation, so to say, from within.

- Situation seems to me to be a delirium, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Certainly it is clear that local police officer somewhere in the Tatar or Buryat village should know the language and customs of the majority of the population, actually it happens so. There's exception only with the Russian population among whom the native of the near abroad speaking with accent and not interested in the local customs can become local police officer. In this case, as I understand, they are talking about other thing - about zones of compact residing of not local population. However it's interesting to know, if we already have such places where there are less Russians, than alien people? I think that if in the territory for some reason chosen by natives of other states the police will also consist of them, life of the Russians will be difficult. They will live as people of B grade already in own country as it often happens, say, in the national republics. Or they can as well leave the country as the Chechen Republic and Ingushetia. Though there is, by the way, mechanism which though demands serious changes in the legislation, but nevertheless corresponds to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - it's electivity of management of the local police bodies and, probably, of local police officers.

"Appointment of local police officers in places of compact residing of diasporas which quite often represent closed communities from the same communities is the same as to delegate power in this or that territory to local organized criminal group, - Anatoly Baranov considers. Such decision is actually very convenient to the ruling bureaucracy as there are no doubts that such "own" local police officers will make fine statistics, all will be kept dark. What is really going on there - there occurs actually is as in the Chechen Republic, go check up. The next day there will appear a question about separation from the Russian Federation of not only the North Caucasus, but also region of compact residing, say, of the Gipsies, the Koreans, the Chinese, the Armenians - well, of everybody, even the Kurds, if they hop to it in time. It will be possible to separate, for example, already a number of regions of Moscow, where the Russians make the majority but it will change soon if to delegate power to diasporas".

- I treat all nationalities and peoples very tolerantly and welcome in every possible way political ethics of the the Russian megacities, it is natural process and it is rather useful, than harmful, but one shouldn't step over the bounds of reasonable, - Anatoly Baranov finished. - Eventually, in all former republics of the USSR, from Estonia to Turkmenia, the Russians are told: if you live in the territory of the national state - be so kind to know local language and customs. We should tell the same - be so kind as to know the language so that to be able to talk to the representative of power. You don't know? It's your problems. While for penetration into organized ethnic criminal communities there are secret agents. Otherwise we would need soon to send secret agents to the departments in territory of diasporas...

PS. Today Оnischenko via radio suggested to refuse from Tadjiks-guest workers in general. It's interesting what will they do, if they managed by the time to appoint Tadjiks local police officers? Should they be deported next to controllable contingent or to retrain them into house-managers?


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