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Eurozone Is Collapsing Inside and Is Being Fastened from Outside

Eurozone Is Collapsing Inside and Is Being Fastened from Outside

The majority of Dutch supports exit from Eurozone and returning to the national currency - to guldens, Reuters referring to the results of a poll Maurice de Hond informs. All this assuming the fact that the Netherlands which entered Eurozone almost 10 years ago were among six countries supporting creation of the European Union.

Tax bearers of the Netherlands are outraged that they should pay for rescue of other, more prodigal members of Eurozone.

In May 51% Dutch supported returning to the national currency. However by results of last poll, the indicator grew already to 58%. It occurs against crisis aggravation in Europe, in particular in Greece, where economic crisis now is accompanied by political one after the statement of the prime minister about necessity to call referendum for discussion of adoption of the plan of help from the EU.


According to poll, 52% of inhabitants of the Netherlands consider that Greece should leave Eurozone.

- Well, and what of it? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov is surprised. - We are not asked by anyone in general, we are not a member of Eurozone, we don't have Euro and nevertheless Medvedev has just met the head of IMF Lagarde and promised 10 billion dollars for support of Euroeuro. I will repeat - nobody asks citizens of the Russian Federation, if we want to support happy life of Europe with rouble or this money will be useful to us. Though, maybe, it was some kind of racket - say, or you give us 10 billion, or we will begin cannibalize you seriously - you brought much more to Europe. Possibly, it‘s really racket - after all no one talks about any reciprocal courtesies from the part of Europe, about some visa-free regime or something alike. Russian bears should sit in dear shitty and pay not only for yachts and castles of "elite", but also for comfortable life of the Europeans so that different Putin-Medvedev-Abramovich looking from a balcony of the country houses saw cheerful smiling faces of the Europeans around instead of sad muddy physiognomies of half-starved compatriots. Well, being absolutely "from simple frogs" they behave in accuracy as late Romanovs... The end will be deserved one.

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