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President Congratulated the Ministry of the Interior on Finishing/Continuation of Reform

President Congratulated the Ministry of the Interior on Finishing/Continuation of Reform

On gala night in honour of the Day of Worker of Law Enforcement Bodies the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev declared success of certification within the limits of reform of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia.

"I think that the aim of certification is achieved, the structure and number of law-enforcement bodies for today is optimum. Therefore we don't plan to make any new decisions in this plan", - the president declared. As he said, certification showed that the majority of employees of the Ministry of the Interior "are professionally prepared and responsible people".

After certification the quantity of employees of the Ministry of the Interior should be reduced by 22 percent and make 1,106 million people.

Reform of the Ministry of the Interior, as it was informed earlier, should come to its end till the end of 2011. Making public speech on gala night Medvedev declared that it, "possibly the most radical reform for last decades".

In the morning on November, 10th, congratulating employees of the Ministry of the Interior on the holiday, the president wrote in Twitter that "transformations in the Ministry of the Interior will be continued".

"They are necessary both to our society and police", - he wrote.

- Well, Mitya said well - "we don't plan to make any decisions in this plan", but "transformations in the Ministry of Interior will be continued", - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Just as in a film "Day of Elections": "Just the same mine, only less and different". Though may be he was drunken. Holiday after all, let it be even of a police. So, it means bad militia is transformed into good police. One million hundred thousand policemen is a lot or few? The next year deficiency of labor in the country will force to invite 1,7 million guest workers, basically not skilled. While 1,1 million policemen will protect their peace work? So may be healthy big guys who now dress down the same guest workers as it was done before by bad militia men could clean the streets for the same money? They all the same wander along the streets idly. Not free of charge, by the way. Only in Moscow we have 2 special police troops - they stay on their base and wait, when one hundred followers of Limonov will have meeting. They could have repaired something or dig. All the same it's better business than to cordon and pretend you are a column - by the way columns could do the same work free of charge. While policemen could, as in old good times, to train themselves not on demonstrations but vegetable warehouses. Prestige of the trade will grow at once, people would learn that in free time police is occupied with useful affair. By the way, the president also could sweep something - to do something useful at last...

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