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Real Opposition in RF Was Alienated from Elections

Real Opposition in RF Was Alienated from Elections

The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed federal law "About Modification of Separate Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Cancellation of Elective Pledge at Carrying out of Elections", the press-service of the Russian leader informs. Institute of elective pledge is excluded as a form of maintenance of promotion of lists of candidates at elections of deputies in the State Duma. The given law spreads not only on elections in the State Duma but also on elections of all other levels.

According to authors, it will serve maintenance of equal possibilities of parties at participation in elections including those who do not possess corresponding financial possibilities, small parties, new parties.

Amendments are being brought into the Russian legislation in particular into the law "About Basic Guarantees of Suffrages and Rights to Participate in Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" and the law "About Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation".

From editorial board: Clear thing that words about equal possibilities of parties - complete nonsense for who knows whom to believe. It's better they would keep silent. Pledge entering was the only possibility to get registered at elections if authorities do not wish to see you there. They can "give you the shaft" with pledge as, for example, they shifted off from elections the only opposition candidate in Khimki where elections would take place on March, 1st. Earlier they shifted off even "with pledge" as, for example, they did it at municipal elections in Moscow with Peter Miloserdov, by the way they didn't return him the pledge.

Now opposition has no chances to be put forward even into Village Soviet - to cancel registration under signatures - just a matter of a trick, not too sophisticated by the way. If now you see registered "opposition" in the lists - you can put it in inverted commas as it\s impossible to pass through electoral committee sieve without certain arrangements with authorities.



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