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If the Kremlin Prepares Transfer of Transdniester to Moldova?

If the Kremlin Prepares Transfer of Transdniester to Moldova?
Alexander Golovenko 22.10.2011

The head of presidential administration S.Naryshkin made extremely shameless statement referring to Transdniester which amazes with its legal nihilism and rough intervention into internal affairs of this sovereign republic. One reads and becomes dumb-founded.

"The decision of the working president of Transdniester Igor Smirnov to stand for new term is considered mistake in Moscow", - ITAR-TASS transfers the words of the main Kremlin official.

I will remind: elections in Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic - on December, 11th.

"Smirnov was in power throughout 20 years, - Naryshkin complains. - It led to that atmosphere in the republic has the touch of a personal authority, in its turn it led Transdniester to condition of deep social and economic crisis. There's huge difference between position of miserable population and narrow group of Smirnov's people".

You start thinking at once: if it's about Russia or what? If there's the mode of "personal authority" somewhere, it means our country! Though under the Constitution Russia - "a lawful state with the republican form of government", in fact - totalitarian mode, uncontrolled and boundless power of one person, filled in, by the way, with botox.

Certainly, if necessary the government of Transdniester could deny insinuations from Moscow concerning "crisis" having certain figures on hands. However by what right did the chief of "secret office" of the Kremlin incur a role of accuser? Whose thoughts does he sound?

Whether he used to visit coasts of Dnestr? Talked to people, saw all with own eyes?

It's better to keep silent about "miserable population". There are 75-80% of poor population and beggars in Russia, at that they have no way out. At least, for next 12 years. Thus mister groom notified world community that Russia several times recommended Smirnov "to leave the road for new political persons, new leaders" but its ‘recommendations were not heard".

Further - inadmissible in the international practice claims to Igor Smirnov who ostensibly "applies existing administrative resources to make obstacles to main candidates including the leader of the party "Obnovlenie" Anatoly Kaminsky. While his program, they say, "is real, concrete and can deduce the country from crisis".

Why didn't Moscow fall in love with this mister? May be because Putin wants with his help to hand Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic over to Moldovia to please the USA? I've already written that the republic management, its Supreme body, public organizations year by year addressed the presidents of Russia, the State Duma, the Federation Council with the request to recognize the republic and to establish diplomatic relations with it. As the assistant to the deputy of the second "red State Duma" I perfectly well saw that in 90s years it was in a step from that historical event.

However it was in every way resisted by: on the one hand, "Yeltsin's gang", on the other - some supervising deputies from the fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

At the president V.Putin position of the Kremlin concerning Transdniester isn't become more intelligible. His attempts to stake on the president of Moldova "communist" Voronin didn't result in anything good. Even the promise to give the Russian language status of the second state turned back a bluff.

Policy of the Russian management in relation to Primorsk Shipping Corporation at president Medvedev is also no more intelligible. Whether Mr. Naryshkin doesn't know that Igor Smirnov on the post of the president of Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic is a guarantee of protection against new attack of Moldova? If he doesn't know that it was Igor Nikolaevich who headed defense of the republic from snegurov's aggressions in spring-summer of 1992?

We see it well that after liquidation of the Ministry for the CIS the Kremlin doesn't have any intelligent policy in relation to the former union republics. Putin and Medvedev consider them only from the point of view of "pipe". All policy comes to a phrase: give "green" for oil and gas. Therefore there's no wonder that they managed to quarrel with the heads of almost all former union republics.

Not once I have to think over the question - what does such body as Presidential Administration mean? There are mentions of it in the Constitution but its functions, power, rights and duties aren't defined by the Constitution or any law. In 90s years the Duma opposition didn't say that Presidential Administration is "the state in the state", absolutely uncontrollable to the society and parliament structure, substituting and subjugating the government. Some years ago the ex-speaker of the Supreme body of the USSR Anatoly Lukyanov told me that in his stay the deputy of "the red Duma" he took active part in preparation of the law referring Presidential Administration. However "family" imposed veto on it, didn't letting it even to the first reading.


For example, what are the functions of mister Naryshkin? It appears, he has lots of duties! He is really multimachine operator in power. The radio mechanic by education he easily accepts representatives and even heads of the foreign states. He heads presidential commissions on awards, on counteraction to history falsification. As well as Presidential Council Presidium on corruption counteraction. A set of question in each direction.

Whether it's not Administration of the President which gave birth to the following "pearl": our people won war irrespective of Stalin? Whether it's not this organization which bungled and pushed through the State Duma resolution which accuses the USSR and Stalin in execution of captured Polish officers? It was it.

It's better to keep silent about fight against corruption. Appetites of officials and thus average size of bribes grow from year to year. Let's recollect who prepared for newly elected president Medvedev so-called "national plan" of counteraction to corruption which people at once began calling "plan of counteraction of officials to corruption exposure"? Naryshkin's officials prepared it. As well as "national strategy of fight against corruption" and special "anticorruption package" of laws and other waste paper.

Inhabitants of Transdniester are able to protect their native land and adhere to a golden rule: "Let well alone". This time they will make correct choice. Without instructions of officials from Moscow. They better cope with their duties. As they say, you are not asked - you'd better not dance ...

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