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New Bashkirbasha Demands More Holidays - Good and Different

New Bashkirbasha Demands More Holidays - Good and Different

The president of Bashkiria Rustem Hamitov initiated to declare the Muslim holidays Kurban Bayram and Eid al-Fitr days off at federal level. It was declared by the head of the region at making comments on the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia to cancel days off on the Muslim holidays Eid al-Fitr and Kurban Bayram.

Let's remind that on August, 31st, 2011 the Supreme Court of Russia satisfied the claim of the inhabitant of the republic Sergey Dulov which considered enactments of the republican law about announcement of Eid al-Fitr and Kurban Bayram days off contradicting the federal legislation and invalid.

"I consider such decision unfair and moreover derogating from the rights of the numerous Moslems living in the Republic of Bashkortostan, - Hamitov told. "For many years a public consent reigns in the republic and therefore we will use all lawful methods to demand revision of this enactment, - Rustem Hamitov continues. - We will address presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with the corresponding complaint and a letter with the request to reconsider this decision. In parallel we will prepare offers to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation for revision of this decision. We will address the State Duma of the Russian Federation to make holidays Kurban Bayram and Eid al-Fitr day offs at federal level in those subjects of the Russian Federation where the majority of the Muslim population lives".

The president of the republic informed that "we will necessarily achieve that our laws and fair rights were restored".

- It's rather symptomatically that the head of the republic worries not about working days but about days off and holidays, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Basically it is fair - if the whole set of orthodox holidays has been made "red-letter days", if Moslems, Jews or Buddhists are worse? There are also fire worshippers, not speaking about pagans. Though the state where citizens earn there living by working hard shouldn't declare such quantity of working days holidays. May be Russia has already turned into Kingdom of Heaven where pennies appear from heaven and there's no need to work? Though our pennies grown directly from the earth that its divine origin should strike true believers as suspicious...

"Certainly, - Anatoly Baranov continued, - it will be economical to declare the Muslim holidays day offs. What's the reason to build a new mosque for Moscow if it is possible not to work on Kurbam Bayran and simply to block Mira Avenue where tens thousand believers already traditionally gather so that being guided by Mecca to glorify Allah in knee-elbow position. Recently they, on the contrary, took down ancient mosque in Moscow - probably to give the Moslems feeling of the holiday which is always with us. It is possible to charge the Russian Railway which is in our country the main after the Russian Orthodox Church in relation to religious needs of the population to take all wishing Moslems to Mecca and after holidays to bring them back - it's really can be done if to raise prices for tickets slightly. Earlier railways provided social production, now when social production is buried together with the saints, it is possible to take citizens closer to god. It is possible to provide all with inflatable mosques, Protestant churches and temples directly on places of country rest - and places of congestion of believers from among the guest workers living by building of paths and fences. It is much easier, than to create real workplaces in real sector - both in Russia and outside its limits, in the former union republics by principle of capital export. Or we have not orthodox empire? Then we should be engaged in imperialism..."

- While the words about "our rights and laws" which should be restored are already interesting, - Anatoly Baranov noticed at last. - It's interesting to learn from new Bashkirbasha, just appointed by the Kremlin, whom he meant by saying "we"? All Russians or only orthodox? What restoration of laws he is speaking about - about the Constitution of the Russian Federation which every policeman and injust judge uses as a toilet paper or only about Shariat laws? Whether he is speaking about the right to work, to have habitation, to have rest and life registered in the Constitution of the USSR but then having disappeared from the organic law or only about the right of the Moslem to follow ancient precepts given by prophet Mohammed? If the first - then it is interesting to all and if the second - then it's just an occasion to the Kremlin "to divide and rule". This principle "The Third Rome" acquired from the first fully...

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