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Davos Was Opened by Blown Off Pu

Davos Was Opened by Blown Off Pu

World Economic Forum was opened in Swiss Davos. Present forum is passing in conditions of world financial and economic crisis, therefore participants of WEF - 2,5 thousand politicians, representatives of world business-elite and public organizations from 96 countries - from the very morning started discussions of the ways of overcoming of the crisis and forming of post-crisis world - that's how the slogan of the present session of WEF was formed by its organizers.
The founder and head of the forum - Swiss Klaus Schwab - was the first to make speech.
"The aim of the world economic forum - to act as a force connecting different countries, cultures. I hope that Davos at your participation will become true resort center for world economy", - Klaus Schwab said in a greeting speech.
Schwab's optimism is more than strange - nobody can for sure foresee either parameters of the crisis, or the depth of falling, or the terms of leaving from nosedrive, while they are already ready in Davos to discuss post-crisis arrangement. It's not excluded that many present planners of post-crisis world won't live up to the end of the crisis either as juridical, or physical persons.
Prime-minister Putin participates in the opening of World Economic Forum in Davos for the first time. The chapter of the Russian government will make speech at the opening of annual session of the forum that may seem as recognition of significance of Russia in post-crisis configuration of the world. However, there are certain doubts...
Let's talk about importance of people whom Putin wants to meet in Davos: a number of meetings with prime-minister of RF was planed in the second part of Thursday. In particular, as it's expected, he will meet with prime-minister of Poland Donald Tusk, with president of Israel Simon Peres, with president of Mongolia Nambarin Enkhbayar and president of Armenia Serge Sagsyan. A level, let's say, impresses...
Though on Wednesday Putin will talk with prime-minister of the State Council of People's Republic of China Wen Jiabao and will organize reception in a hotel "Zeehof", though the Chinese prime-minister will allot him less time, than other stately leaders, while reception - is just a "bluff". In fact nobody see Russia among the hostess of the post-crisis world.
Record number of chapters of the states and governments will come to WEF this year - more than 40 world leaders confirmed their participation in the session. All in all more than 2.5 thousand participants from 96 countries will gather in Davos. Certainly, there is a place of Putin's state among these 96 countries. But that's all.
Ukraine will be presented officially only by prime-minister Grigory Nemyr - prime-minister and the first vice-prime minister prefer "not to show off" during the crisis among glamour thrash of world fat cats. It's planned that businessman Viktor Pinchuk will also take part in the forum in Davos.

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