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The Traitor of the Moldavian Communists Lupu Beat out from the Russian Blogger Bagirov Crazy Denunciation against the Moldavian Communists

The Traitor of the Moldavian Communists Lupu Beat out from the Russian Blogger Bagirov Crazy Denunciation against the Moldavian Communists

As usual, the traitor can't forgive his own treachery to the betrayed...

Here you are a message of Bagirov without comments (a person has been staying in prison for already fourth month and communicate with external world only by means of classical messages).

"I will be short as much as possible. Today they prolonged my arrest term for other 30 days, till the middle of October. For already four months the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Moldova has been dragging me from prison to prison without explanation of a reason of my arrest to my lawyers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, me. I could have got accustomed to it but one of those days I read in the newspaper that the president of Moldova Marian Lupu snapped not-president like at the ambassador of Russia Vallery Kuzmin who once again showed interest to my process. Lupu declared that the whole world has no right to interfere while the infallible Moldavian Office of Public Prosecutor tramples the citizen of Russia into a stinking tubercular barrack. Well, now it's my turn to bring accusations.

I have a puzzle combined in my head definitively. If I used somehow to suffer three months and hoped that situation would changed. Because during those three months of arrest only one official questioning was conducted with me, it lasted twenty minutes. It was actually carried out to put up a smoke-screen, carelessly because all those months they tried to beat out from me written indications that the main organizer of the April events was the member of the local Communist Party, influential enough politician Mark Tkachuk. That it was he who gave me "instructions".

Tkachuk's party - is a strong competitor of authorities in power on forthcoming autumn presidential election, that is he is competitor of Marian Lupu. The State Office of Public Prosecutor has been beating out of me damaging evidence against Tkachuk. In the present state of affairs the State Office of Public Prosecutor serves interests of the operating head of the state. At present it is Marian Lupu. Marian Lupu perfectly well know why I stay in prison and he continues to tolerate this lawlessness because he is the main beneficiary of my arrest. Profit.

Though there's here some miss. Because I not only don't know Tkachuk - I have been repeating it to the public prosecutors during all these three months. The matter is also that I equally don't care political ambitions of either Tkachuk or, similarly, Lupu. I am not going to stay in prison either because of Tkachuk, or, forgive me, Lupu. Therefore from tomorrow (9/14/2011) I declare full refusal of food. Up to that moment when I will find myself  free, outside this stinking barrack.

Usually I defend my rights up to the end. To any. Therefore Mr. Lupu after a while will be forced either to calm down his out-of-limit bold Office of Public Prosecutor, or to bring me out of the cell with my feet foremost. However, he will have to answer to the last. Because I am the citizen of the great country and not of a poor and deprived of civil rights hole which once beautiful and blossoming Moldavia represents now after 20 years of ruling of Mr. Lupu and his predecessors".

From editorial board: It's amazing how the ills of life change attitude of people to life and their place in it.


Bagirov went to Moldova in no way to support "Commos" - more likely on the contrary. However "Commos" haven't made him anything bad, while those whom he willy-nilly helped keep him in prison and beat out evidencies against "COmmos".


It's even more unusual to hear from Bagirov a phrase: "I am the citizen of the great country", there's no saying that 20 years ago (that is at times of "Commos") Moldova was fine and blossoming and now has turned to a poor and deprived of civil rights hole.


Such revaluation costs much - maybe it's already fair business to help even to comrade Bagirov. While he, obviously, doesn't feel any special support. Judging from the text of the message he addresses not to liberalists.


It's clear that there's little help from the part of the Russian semi-official organ - our country is great, while its leaders are petty. Though situation demands our reaction, our participation.


The Communist Party which has achieved appreciable successes and, the main thing, has shown that the power of the communists can be democratic has ruled in Moldavia for 6 years. Today the power in Moldova is grasped by antagonists of the Communist Party - you will find the answer to a question who they are in every textbook. Antagonists of the communists always roll down to fascism. As we see in Bagirov's case the tendency is obvious.


It's already not the matter of Bagirov's personal destiny but that quite clear agglomerate consisting of Romania which president frankly regrets for times of marshal Antonesku and Moldova where its head Marian Lupu carries out fascist policy in practice is forming to the west from Dnestr.


A slogan "Fascism won't pass!" is very actual today.



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