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Developers in Moscow Capture Deputies and Officials from Town Council

Developers in Moscow Capture Deputies and Officials from Town Council
Deputy of the Moscow Duma, leader of party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin was detained by the employees of private security firm "Vlata" on 15th Parkovaya Street. The deputy interfered with transit of heavy construction equipment for unlawful removal of sheds. Having climbed on the crane, Mitrokhin blocked the passage, however he was taken away by employees of private security firm. Beaten and isolated. Deputy of the Moscow Duma, leader of party "Yabloko" Sergey Mitrokhin was detained by the employees of private security firm "Vlata" on 15th Parkovaya Street, press-service of the party "Yabloko" informed.
Leader of "Yabloko" considers detention as an obstacle to professional activity of the deputy on protection of the rights of citizens and their property interests.
Let's remind that confrontation of the builders and their security from one side and owners of garage-rakushka from the other has been lasting the second day. Employees of the private security firm armed with metal shields and rubber truncheons they made an attempt to push inhabitants aside from their garages. In the Union of Administration and Technical Inspections they confirmed that removing works are absolutely illegal. The Union following Mitrokhin's demand set a fine on the company - developer "KNT-Stroy".

- In fact the situation itself presents interest, in absolute power of Moscow authorities some developer does what he wants, paying no attention to absolutely legal demands of authorities, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Luzhkov and his administration for many years of self-perpetuating and actually uncontrolled guidance over the city have grown up such monster which is chewing them up today. It seems that the deputy is illegally imprisoned on the territory of the capital of Russia - and where is OMON, SWAT and other law-enforcement bodies which are so quick to react on situation even in fat Primorsky region, where protest action of the drivers was cleared away by forces of Moscow "law-enforcement bodies"? Whether it\s more difficult to react on the capture and beating of the deputy somewhere in Izmajlovo, than on the protest action in Vladivostok? Why, our authority has such "iron arm", it seems they only have to show power, whack this private security firm into the mud... Well, meanwhile it doesn't go this way. PSC is stronger, than OMON and special forces as well as executive body in Moscow. Well, answer me now a question - what will change if such authority will be pushed away? If it's not authority but just a decoration?
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