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America Undermined Confidence in Money and Falls to the Banks

America Undermined Confidence in Money and Falls to the Banks

US authorities put new ultimatum to Switzerland with the requirement to make known data about secret deposits of the American citizens in a number of banks of "country of gnomes". Under information published on Sunday in a weekly journal "Sontags Zeitung" referring to official sources, the term defined by Washington expires on Tuesday.


According to the edition data, reference signed by assistant to the general public prosecutor of the USA James Cole, directed to Bern on August, 31st specifies deposits of the American physical persons and companies at least in nine Swiss banks, including Credit Suisse, Julius Baer, Wegelin, a number of banks from canton Zurich and Basel. Interesting to the USA deposits were made since 2002 till July, 2010 for the sum of minimum 50 thousand dollars.


Two years ago the USA already demanded from the largest bank of the country UBS to hand over information about 4,4 thousand clients of the bank. After long negotiations the bank gave Washington requested data, though for that purpose it was necessary to approve reached agreement in the parliament of Switzerland. Besides UBS was compelled to pay the penalty at the rate about 800 million dollars.


Referring to informed sources "Sontags Zeitung" informs, that this time the penalty sum can reach 2 billion dollars, ITAR - TASS transfers.


- The American bureaucracy isn't better, than the Russian one or, say, European, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Every bureaucracy is organized approximately identically, though of mandarins of Tsin epoch or of yuppies of the modern America. If you are bothered by a sound of transformer, normal reaction of the bureaucrat will be to switch off electricity in all area. If you have to find where Kaddafi hid his billions, it is possible to liquidate bank secret all over the world. No one cares that abandonment of bank secret makes existence of banks in Switzerland? Universal pay off with bank cards has already liquidated in the west payments with simple money. You won't make any more or less significant purchase with cash - they simple won't take your money. No body cares that that personified money is already not money which we have got used to see during last 5-6 thousand years. They will think of it when they will definitively undermine monetary circulation system all over the world.


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