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I Know Nothing about Kaddafi but the Russian Federation Has Lost in Libya All

I Know Nothing about Kaddafi but the Russian Federation Has Lost in Libya All

Libya is ready to restore manufacture of oil without help of some foreign power enterprises. Such declaration was made today by representative of the Libyan oil extraction company Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO), Reuters informs.

According to the message, AGOCO will continue work with countries which have supported overthrow of the Libyan dictator Muammar Kaddafi. In particular, Libya will prolong cooperation with the Italian, French and British companies.

At the same time AGOCO "have questions" to Brazil, China and Russia - to the states which have opposed introduction of sanctions in relation to the Libyan leader.

So, if oppositional armies will seize power, the Russian power companies can be not admitted to work in Libya. "Our companies won't receive permission to work here (in Libya). If someone thinks differently, he is mistaken. Our companies will lose everything as NATO won't allow them to do their work in Libya", - the general director of the Russian-Libyan business committee Aram Shegunts declared.

Before termination of their operations in Libya Russian Gazprom, "Gazprom Oil" and "Tatneft" invested some hundreds million dollars in oil and gas extraction in this country.

From editorial board: All is natural. It is surprising that the Russian state (let's underline - state) companies managed to invest money into the national economy where the word of honor of the dictator who had ruled for already 42 years was unique guarantee. Whether they hoped that he would rule eternally? Or that his fair word would endure him and his power? Besides Kaddafi not only gave his word of honor but also took it back several times - as the true owner of the word.


However, if it is possible so easily and absolutely irresponsibly to waste state money in the Russian Federation, than what's its difference from Libya? Well, unless that neither Vova, nor Mitya will manage to rule for 42 years. As well as the Russian Federations won't endure their long management.


We see that investments of oil companies of Britain, France and Italy are guaranteed by their Navies, Air Forces and land armies capable to perform quite successful operations on the remote battlefields. It is the main support and guarantee for all investments into foreign economy - possibility to demand execution of obligations using the most reasonable way. Let someone say that investments into armaments and military-industrial complex are ineffective.


While Brazil, China and Russia have no such arguments. At that China and Brazil doesn't have yet, while Russia - already.


FORUM.msk already asked question why even for evacuation of own experts from the Libyan coast during sharp phase of civil war Russia didn't use forces of the Black Sea fleet - having at its disposal at least three large landing ships intended directly for similar operations, paying annual rent for fleet basing in Tartus (Syria), that is having possibility to relocate necessary forces of fleet directly to battlefield. So, why? Even Ukraine directed large landing ships to coast of Libya for evacuation of its citizens and "flag demonstration". The Russian Federation - refrained from it.

By the way, now events in Syria develop in such a way that most likely, having ended with Kaddafi, the fleet of the European members of NATO will reach Asad. The Russian fleet hasn't reached Tartus...

It is necessary to make reservation here: position of a part the Russian left seems very strange, with foam at the mouth they defend the right of different half-mad dictators to wander 20-30-40 years with people in search for light future through known place. It doesn't matter to them that these dictators have not a thought about "socialisms", democratic freedom, human rights and so on. Actually, our left are glad with one thing only - from time to time this or that dictator (usually when he is attacked) declares something against world imperialism, Zionism (especially welcomed) and the USA directly. Certainly, America is "a world devil" but curses are not enough to support each local princeling. Iа to judge this way - Putin also should be supported - after all he also expressed something similar.

Certainly, degeneracy of the Russian nedo-imperialism reads off scale: to be engaged in expansion in foreign markets from Africa to New Guinea and not to put a copeck in own navy fleet capable to provide power support to these investments. Left movement also should get defined - what left we are moving to?

China where, of course, there is no socialism and exploitation of workers is higher than in developed capitalist countries but has the communist party in power, thinks of support of its capital investments by forces of People's Liberation Army of China. Here you are the first Chinese aircraft carrier earlier bearing name "Varyag" floated. After all that "Varyag" could show the Russian flag at the coast of Libya and NATO aircraft wouldn't dare to step over the bound of the United Nations mandate. The question of participation of special troops of NATO countries in land operations in Libya would be problematic.

All the same after 42 years of board Kaddafi's mode would fall - people in Bengasi wouldn't rise, if it was possible to endure further. The mode, apparently, has rotted through so that it failed to protect even own direct interests. In that's case NATO wouldn't dictate conditions of the future participation in share of the Libyan oil and gas pie. Or at least not only NATO. Moscow even hasn't answered the question: if Kaddafi is our "villain" or not ours? Putin says that likely ours, Medvedev - no, not ours. Try to understand.

Now - our money is down the drain. Yesterday shares of the Russian "blue chips" crashed at the stock exchange... The reason is simple - they appeared to be not supported by due levels of fire power.

Actually the Soviet navy fleet had no necessity to build aircraft carriers, anyway in such quantity as to the USA. It was enough to have necessary means capable to destroy aircraft carrier group of the opponent. Not for nothing not big nuclear submarines but major anti-submarine ships were considered then the main ships. Large surface-to-surface missile cruisers served for aircraft carrier group.

Today imperialistic development of the Russian Federation dictates necessity of aircraft carrier groups capable to operate independently far from own bases. Capable, if necessary, to support state take-over in this or that to "banana republic". To provide stability of a "friendly" mode. To prevent external intervention. Thus it should be, if the Russian Federation followed the way of imperialistic development. Socialism doesn't need external expansion but socialism in our country has been cursed and cancelled. Though our imperialism is strange, with becoming outdated Soviet technique and inflatable moulages as well as with shaking imagination "fleet" consisting of super-magnificent yachts of our oligarchs and high-ranking officials - instead of aircraft carriers and cruisers, submarines and landing ships.

I am afraid that with such military doctrine very soon we will become object of external expansion - not economic but direct, military one.

Аnatoly Baranov 

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