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Russia and Ukraine Can Survive Only Being Together

Russia and Ukraine Can Survive Only Being Together
Sergey Gupalo 19.08.2011

Why Russia and Ukraine are doomed to survive together or to get lost single-handed?

Ethnic question became that question which as it is considered to be ruined the USSR. The true reason of collapse of the USSR is, of course, not mistakes in the national policy but "original sin of man bureaucratization" given up as on bad job on the workers-socialist tendencies acting at the moments of historical turnovers - in the 20-s and 80-s years. Then the USSR had quite good chances to develop working self-management and thus to create a priority of working tendencies before bourgeois and bureaucratic.

Treacherous party bureaucracy of all territories of the USSR headed by Russia and Ukraine preferred traditional for traitors of all times and peoples, the worst for public progress variant - ruin of the USSR. Started with ruin of the USSR global process of public degradation at all its tragedy even for newly appeared monopolistic leaders of the modern world - the USA, the European Union and Japan - with the greatest force stroke across Russia and Ukraine, having transformed the first into "The Raw Supercolony" and the second - in the buffer between the first and Europe.

Once Canadians joked that, if the USA economy "coughs", in Canada they have "economic pneumonia". Paraphrasing that western joke it is possible to tell that, when there's recession at the western stock exchanges, in RF and Ukraine - falling into hellhole.

Crisis of global capitalism in its phase of aggravation in 2008 stroke against RF and Ukraine stronger, than against any other member of so-called "G20" though for some reason RF is continued to be considered its member, this Upper Volta Without Rockets. Thus crisis accelerated economy degradation and with it of all other aspects of life of residual Russia. RF' name "White Nigeria" - is offensive for Nigeria developing during last years much more successfully, than its Russian sister, this name places Nigeria in cohort of the most corrupted countries of the world.

Ruin of Ukraine in somehow not so strong - notorious food safety "has almost been kept" there. Though even in this potential granary of the whole world the structure of production relations in agriculture doesn't leave it any chance for survival. Modern independent Nenka, Supercolony of unlimited order severely adhered to processes at stock exchanges of the West and the East is extremely fragile formation. A pair of blows of global crisis and agriculture of Ukraine will fall to the quite ordinary level of RF. Natural at the present course de-industrialization of Ukraine and RF also works for it.

In a context of progressing degradation of RF any attempts to solve its problem can be productive only at return of a kernel of the post-Soviet territory (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus) on a way of socialist development. Return on socialist rails means priority of general interests over private ones.

Now within the limits of operating global model, alas, we can speak only about struggle for the right of the first night on duty to sovereign of global capitalism for these or that ruling neo-feudal clans - there's no talking about any public interests in this case.

A number of authors trying to become spokesmen of interests of the national bourgeoisie in its natural struggle against comprador bourgeoisie appeared lately. The national bourgeoisie in Russia was the weakest in imperial times and couldn't make competition to forces of organized proletariat as regards control of revolutionary processes in by the time imperial Russian society. It concerns modern Russian society with even bigger degree of regularity. In degrading RF there is no base for mass bourgeois-democratic movement. Though there's no base for mass working-class movement of classical Lenin type, at least now.

Formal isolation of Ukraine from RF is an obstacle for association of all healthy anti-capitalist forces. However, in the spirit of the advanced strategy of workerism there is a chance to transform lacks into competitive advantages. For this purpose even before creation of "New Global Rabintern" is necessary to create body of incorporated working-class movement, having provided free moving of ideas, personnel and resources between territories of the former USSR.

Physiology laws say that function develops organ, dying off of the function accordingly predetermines dying off of the organ which fulfills it. In global economy RF is necessary exclusively as the raw appendage of the West, therefore organs of the public organism falling outside the limits of unique function of RF are ruthlessly cut out by the killing hand of historical regularity of a coming epoch of new barbarity.

Lessons of working actions in Kazakhstan should be studied and analyzed but it is evident at first sight: at objective growth of discontent of oppressed proletarian mass there is no even a germ of their future leading force. It's not surprising that working-class movement is ridden out by intraspecific competitors of present Kazakhstan Mubarak - it shouldn't be the reason for accusation against "irresponsible workers" in all mortal sins. In Ukraine in the 90s years after disintegration of the Regional Strike Committee of Donbas - this child of miner's strikes of 1989 - energy of miners' protests was used by all who felt like it up to V.Yanukovych in his attempt to break "unfavourable" course of Maidan in November, 2004.

All it should become a rise to creation of structures of the international working-class movement like "New Comintern". However, discredit of the term "communistic" (father Zyu and his environment tried their best for it) makes the term "workerism" almost non-competitve.

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