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The Kremlin Will Support Friendly Dictators with Gas

The Kremlin Will Support Friendly Dictators with Gas

President Medvedev appealed to "Gazprom" not to admit repetition of a situation of five years' prescription at preparation of new gas contract with Belarus, that time the document was signed some minutes prior to new year, the head of the company Alexey Miller assured that everything would be ok. At a meeting with the head of the state Alexey Miller noticed that the beginning of negotiations with Belarus was planned for the first month of autumn.


"As to the contract referring to gas purchase, we plan to begin negotiations with the Belorussian colleagues in September and to sign it till the end of the year", - the head of gas holding told.


"Conditions on hydrocarbon market develop not easily for consumers and prices for gas are high, it is very sensitive for republics of the former USSR, in particular, for Belarus", - Miller noticed.


"I think that we will surely sign the contract till the end of the year and there will be no repetition of that situation which was five years ago when we signed the contract at 11.58 p.m. on December, 31st, 2006", - he told.


Since 2012 Belarus will pay for the Russian gas with integration lowering factor which will be defined by "Gazprom" and "Beltransgaz", the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared after the session of the Council of Ministers of the Union State. Now Minsk pays 244,7 dollars for one thousand cubic meter that is already essentially below prices for other countries. For this discount Belarus will pay shares of "Beltransgaz". In 2006 agreement about stage-by-stage sale of the first 50% of its shares for $2,5 billion was achieved. The sale was finished to the end by 2010.


On August, 15th in Sochi Medvedev discussed with the head of Gazprom the Russian-Belorussian cooperation in gas sphere. Alexey Miller reported the head of the state that the draft agreement on purchase of the second half of shares of "Beltransgaz" which already halfway belongs to the Russian company is prepared.


It should be an example also for Ukraine achieving revision of the current gas contract which Kiev considers unfair. It was declared at negotiations in Moscow between the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yury Bojko and the head of Gazprom Alexey Miller, radio station "Echo of Moscow" informs. The Russian press again writes today about possibility of gas war in winter, if Kiev disagrees to accept conditions of Moscow on control over GTN.

От редакции: Position of the Kremlin in relation to the former republics of the USSR is unscrupulous enough. Let's say, they in Moscow are ready to spit on the sanction of the EU in relation to Lukashenko for obvious infringements of human rights and liquidation of the rests of a civil freedom in the Republic Belarus - the Belorussian dictator is ready to sell "Beltransgaz" at good price, then he can do with his citizens whatever he wants. Here you are our president Mitya sympathetically listening in Astana to Lukashenko's reasoning on restriction of freedom of communications, on necessity of suppression of "the internal enemy" - after all we sell oil and gas to the external enemy and fulfill it other wishes.


Mitya stay in Astana with Nazarbayev when subordinates of Nazarbaev's son-in-law and Kulibaev's successor have been striking, starving and fighting with police for 3 month, killed trade-union active members already appeared there and people are detained under far-fetched charges. While Miller tells pathetic words in address of the majestic son-in-law: in the end of June son-in-law of the president of Kazakhstan was included into the board of directors of the Russian "Gazprom" where he replaced the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergey Shmatko. Today this successor of "sovereign Kazakhstan democracy" runs the state fund of the national well-being "Samruk-Kazyn" which generates about 53% (!) of the country GDP, heads board of directors of "КаzМunajGas" (where the workers have been striking for already 3 months), of the national railway company "Kazatomprom", of a number of other largest companies, heads association KazEnergy uniting enterprises of oil and gas and power sectors, is one of co-owners of National Bank, enters council of businessmen at the president of Kazakhstan. According to Forbes, private fortune of Kulibaev in 2011 is estimated in 1,3 billion dollars (the third place in Kazakhstan). Basic sectors of economy, including power, transport, gold mining and uranium mines are under his control.


Much more democratic mode in Kiev hasn't received such favor of the Kremlin - true sovereign democracy should sell GTN to the Kremlin on its conditions. Not to copy the west a lot - in present sovereign democracy human rights begin from billion dollars of private fortune. Thus Miller has rights, Kulibaev also. Apparently, Lukashenko also has got civil rights. While there's certain ambiguity with human rights in Ukraine...



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