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Jailers Promise Not to Kill and Torture Timoshenko

Jailers Promise Not to Kill and Torture Timoshenko

"Y.Tymoshenko in Kiev's pre-trial detention center is kept without any privileges. Penitentiary regime and daily routine is carried out by her in full", - is told in Monday's message of the press-service of the State penitentiary service of Ukraine. "Management of the institution realizes a level of responsibility in relation to safety of Y.Tymoshenko and other public persons being kept in this insulator, it takes all necessary measures for it. For today there's no information about danger to life or health of the prisoners of Kiev's pre-trial detention center", - is stressed in release.


"Management of the institution and its staff is aimed at steady observance of requirements of the current legislation and provision of safety of prisoners of Kiev's pre-trial detention center, in particular of Y.Tymoshenko, - the Ukrainian jailers assured.


As it was informed in Andrew Rettman's article published in Internet edition of EUobserver, Y.Tymoshenko expressed concern that she can be killed in pre-trial detention center. Besides, some officials on condition of anonymity also expressed opinion in mass-media that there's danger to life of Y.Tymoshenko during her stay in the pre-trial detention center.


- Generally speaking there should be no danger to life of prisoners in pre-trial detention center, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov believes. - As well as danger to health - at receipt the prisoner is examined by the prison doctor, all damages, bruises and other sores are registered in the card and God forbid if the prisoner receives new graze or cut. Though it's ideal. In reality it's, of course, is not so. It's stated in press release clearly - Tymoshenko will be exception, she is "public person" and it's impossible to beat her across the face. It turns out, to beat nonpublic persons - is possible. Or permitted... Say, condemned under so-called "Odessa case №144" communist-revolutionaries weren't given any guarantees, as a result in 2005 "United Nation Commission on Tortures" characterized "Odessa case" as "torture process" as confessionary evidences were beaten out from the convicts under the most severe tortures, one of the arrested persons died of them, other lost an eye, health of the rest also strongly failed. Fifteen 14-18-year old teenagers for distribution of leaflets calling for overthrow of a system were incriminated infringement on creation of the Black Sea Soviet republic and were imprisoned for 8 - 15 years. They are still there. While Tymoshenko is public person, it's hardly probably that something threatens her. By the way, during "Majdan" Yushchenko and Tymoshenko promised to release political prisoners including the convicts under "Odessa Case" but somehow they forgot it then... Now she will have time to recollect her unfulfilled promises.


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