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Germany and France Try to Rescue the European Union

Germany and France Try to Rescue the European Union

Emergency summit of countries of the European Union will be called till the end of August at the initiative of the president of France Nicolas Sarkozy. It's planned to take new measures for stabilization of the EU countries on it. The final decision about date of the emergency summit will be accepted on August, 16th in Paris at a meeting of the president of France Nicolas Sarkozy and the German chancellor Angela Merkel.


As the British mass-media inform, at forthcoming meeting at the highest levels France initiates release of uniform bonds of euro zone. Release of uniform bonds provides creation of system of financial transfers when rich countries and regions of euro zone will subsidize poor ones.


Experts expect that negotiations will be difficult as Paris insists on release of uniform bonds of euro zone, while Berlin is afraid that new considerable financial obligations of Germany and additional expenses of its state budget will appear as a result of it.


In essence, rich EU countries are not happy with the prospect of feeding poor countries eternally.


Merkel showed enviable flexibility during crisis of Euro zone. When for the first tine they raised question on possible rendering assistance to the countries of euro zone, she demanded sanctions. Since then Germany signed variety of agreements on financial support of Greece, Ireland and Portugal. All the signs are that Ireland and Portugal will also have to sign agreement on refinancing as it was done last month in relation to Greece. Participants of the market now focus on Italy and Spain. Question which Merkel so skillfully managed to avoid - whether euro zone is going to cover in the near future debts of all its members - remain as it is.


Next tranche of credit support of Greece promised by the European Union and the International Currency Fund can be postponed. It is connected with problems with performance of conditions of the creditors. Earlier payment of the monetary help was planned for September. Greece expects 5,8 billion Euro from the EU and 2,2 billion Euro from IMF.


Let's remind that in May, 2010 Greece was promise to receive 110-milliard credit, then in July, 2011 - one more credit in the sum of 109 billion Euro necessary for refinancing of 350-milliard debt of the country.


At the present moment Greece carries out rigid program of budgetary reductions but the country fails to keep within the terms defined together with creditors. By data of statistics, for first seven months of 2011 deficiency of the state budget has increased by a quarter and has reached 15,5 billion Euro. Both falling and growth of incomes have been fixed during this period. Now unemployment in Greece reached record level - 16%, in the second quarter economy recession made 6,9% in annual expression.


It turns out that problems of Greece only become more aggravate, they are joined by problems of other weak EU countries.


Naturally, EU problems are reflected on prospects of the countries waiting in queue to join the European Union - actually, this queue is about to disappear. Thus, there will be no point about the European prospect for Kiev in the agreement on association between Ukraine and the EU. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslav Sikorski already declared it at press conference in Warsaw.


- I believe strange statements of our president Mitya that, say, Russia is ready to visa-free regime with the EU which find no response from the last are connected with the fact that the question of open Europe can become past in general, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - It is clear that Mitya insists on it in view of forthcoming elections, it's hardly his only trump, if visas for the Russians to Europe will be cancelled or at least it were vaguely promised, it would add him sympathies. Though as Europe doesn't wait for any visa-free Russians and, on the contrary, doesn't know what to do with visa-free Turks and Romanians, it's rotten enough PR. Perhaps, one should get worried with the fact that soon the CIS will be surrounded by the whole belt of former members of the EU without bread and butter, with destroyed economy and credit and financial system but with abyss of territorial and other historical claims. Just the time to restore the Western group of armies and fortified regions on border.


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