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Dead Emperor Seizes Petersburgers by As... Pants from the Grave

Dead Emperor Seizes Petersburgers by As... Pants from the Grave

Smolny criticized Petersburgers who are walking around great city in shorts and immodest T-shirts. Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church also agree with remarks of the officials.


All refer to "ethics expert" and a member of Romanov "imperial house" Ivan Artsishevsky who was given information platform by the state news agency RIA Novosti, he declared: "It should be equated to small hooliganism. One of these days I walked along Nevsky Avenue and met a lady in such shorts that all was simply visible. At that I haven't seen anything beautiful in it. Besides, we don't go to the Bolshoi or Mariinsky Theaters in bikini though it's very hot now. We should correspond to our city and its architecture".


The former chief of the department of Smolny protocol shared personal experience and told that when female employees came to the city administration "with naked navels", they were sent to special lectures on dress-code. "As to the officials, they always put on adequately, - Artsishevsky told. - For example, in summer they changed suits of dark blue color for lighter ones. But such variant is possible to wear only till 6 o'clock in the evening".


Actress Anastasia Melnikova also doesn't share love to mini. "What's going on now on the streets of the city is real display of dissoluteness, - she considers. - When face-painter in short pants which reminds more of strings makes me make-up and I see it all before my face, it seems to me that it is simply unhygienic. Well, I don't wear such things even at home, while some girls dare to go thus around the city".


"I consider that it's simply inadmissible to undress in the streets, - the priest Alexey Galkin considers. - Most of all I'm amazed, when almost naked people come into a temple. Recently, for example, a man in slates, shorts and with naked torso tried to enter my church. I haven't let him in because I am sure that it is improper way of looking for visiting churches. It seems to me that such problems arise because we are not taught culture and have no moral and spiritual education".

- Here am I sitting in one shorts and slates and think, whether my reader care, if I am dressed decent enough tip on "keyboard"? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov wonders. - Certainly, the question of obscurantism around shorts and T-shirts - not the main event of the present but in the end of July when we have thirty six degrees... Very timely theme. Everything's clear with the priest - he, as you can see, didn't let improperly dressed man in. Though to begin with he could have a look at a cross - there one can see nude man hanging, in one loincloth. No one outrages, he is hanging thus for already 2 thousand years, it came to nobody's mind to add a jacket and a tie. May be that man in shorts would never come to church after it? What for should I, he will think, deal with dickheads? He will go to Buddhists who are indifferent to the external appearence.

"Most of all, of course, I am surprised by reaction of the "authority" - a member of "the imperial house", - Anatoly Baranov continues. - You see their highness is offended by our navels. If he is not offended by the fact that Nikolay II was "naturalist" or nudist speaking modern language? As well as that fact that he together with his brother made love with ballerina Kshesinskaya? That grand dukes were homosexuals - if it doesn't confuse him? In general - what "imperial house" we are talking about? The First chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says that Russia is republic. Why the State Office of Public Prosecutor doesn't see threat to bases of the constitutional system in existence of some "imperial house"? They are recklings of unworthily departed monarchy. It's possible then to wake up once in the morning to find out that you are forbidden to wear shorts and the tsar has been already confirmed by the Duma decision, there are already instructions how many times a day you should pray and when to fast. "Beheading" of the tongue you have instead of freedom of speech..."


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