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Mad Norwegian Breivik Put an End to the "Miracle" of Bourgeois Socialism

Mad Norwegian Breivik Put an End to the "Miracle" of Bourgeois Socialism
Tatyana Gavrilova, Кazan 26.07.2011

Mad Norwegian Breivik put an end to bourgeois socialism as to a favourite child of successors of the Second International.

After World War I become bankrupt Second International which stepped down from proletarian internationalism (its members - social democracies of all countries got involved in a world massacre supported "their" bourgeois governments (it reminds us support of the war of August, 2008 against Georgia by the Communist Party)) was changed by the Third International - communistic one which was based on Lenin's Bolsheviks-internationalists initially opposing "own" governments started the world imperialistic massacre number 1.

All period between the first and second world massacre was the period of cold war between old social democrats and new communists. That war in many respects provided Hitler's arrival to power in Germany... Only after that Comintern come to the concept of Popular Front as barrier against coming fascism.

Then Comintern was much greater force, than all successors of the Second International - social democrats - together. Victory of the USSR and its allies in World War II assuming that Comintern was dismissed in 1943 at Stalin initiative extended bureaucratic socialism to the Eastern Europe and created preconditions for its victory in China, Vietnam...

Successors of become bankrupt Second International, having taken advantage of global opposition of the USSR and the USA, on the contrary, "played" on those contradictions having created the Socialist International which tried within the limits of global capitalism to achieve its maximum socialization. Countries of Scandinavia - first of all Sweden and Norway - became "show-windows" of successes of the Socialist International.

Ruin of the USSR in 1991 made falling of "the Scandinavian socialism" only a matter of time.

Event happened in quiet and kind Norway not simply cast population of before safe country in shock but became symbol of termination of the whole epoch of social democratic Scandinavian oasis of the western society of new capitalism globalized to irrationality. The West-European social democratic project begun after the victory of the Soviet people over fascism in 1945 approached its logic end.

Bureaucratic member of the CPRF old man Suslov was infinitely right rigidly criticizing in one of his rare articles in "Pravda" western social democrats, asserting that if there were no USSR, sharks of world imperialism would eat up all their "Scandinavian socialism" in trice... The USSR fell in 1991. It's high time the prophecy of the legendary Stalin old man become truth.

Sergey Gupalo divides socialism into three levels:

1. Bureaucratic - realized in the USSR and its companions (including both split away in the beginning of the 60s and mutated to capitalism China and marvelously viable Castro's Cuba left alone in the beginning of its life by unruly forerunner of the working movement comandante Che);

2. Bourgeois - realized in the Western Europe, first of all in Sweden and Norway within the limits of the western capitalism without change of capitalist form of ownership of means of production but at control of the bourgeois state over consumption level;

3. Working socialism - the highest level of socialism, existing for the present nowhere but sprouting in the form of Council of Labour Collective and working committees and other forms which we constantly mention and write about.

Practice shows us that at absence of at least bureaucratic socialism existence "bourgeois socialism" becomes impossible. Really, what did notorious bourgeois socialism of "other different Swedes" propose? Consumer society brought to perfection...

Bourgeois socialism within the limits of system of global consumption de facto brings human essence to boundless consumption. As a matter of fact all of us, its potential victims, have one destiny - destiny of fatted pig - potential victim of new breiviks.

As Mayakovsky wrote, we don't need to think if leaders think... Mayakovsky wrote about the Soviet bureaucratic socialism but the same can be applied to bourgeois socialism where nobody dares to go against the owners of means of production. "Other different Swedes" consider the bourgeois cow of private property be even more sacred, than Hindus' physical namesake of it.

Working socialism on the contrary places at the head corner not consumption as "transcendental object" (at all its doubtless importance) but real working control over manufacture, distribution, exchange and CONSUMPTION at the first stage and power of workers in mature working socialism (do not confuse with Brezhnev's developed or "mature" socialism, bureaucratic socialism!)...

The fourth (Trotskyite) International failed to become real alternative to global capitalism, therefore the question of the Fifth International is a matter of life and death of modern terrestrial civilization which otherwise will inevitably get lost under axes of new breiviks - Norwegian and not only.



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