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New Faces of New Russian Revolution

New Faces of New Russian Revolution
Tatyana Gavrilova 19.07.2011

What is it - a face of new Russian revolution? Unless blinded by shine of the gold stolen by them political blind men and their kepties from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation fail to notice that new Russian revolution comes nearer to us at full steam, in due time through daddy Zyu's words they declared that Russia had already exhausted limit on new revolutions and continued to act within the limits of that poor paradigm. All the others - are sure that this revolution comes nearer. It's not far and can happen at any, most unexpected moment.

Just what revolution will it be - for there's no unity in the society.

Westernized democrats like Nemtsov and his companions see new revolution in the form of more successful variant of "the Russian Maidan" moving towards western "democratic samples". Severest global crisis in the USA and Europe capable in no time to change configuration of the new global world not in the spirit of old liberal scenario doesn't confuse guys-democrats.

Above mentioned misters completely reject world-wide historical value of October 1917 considering all Soviet period "waste of historical time". However last accident with transport forced even Dmitry Muratov, the editor-in-chief of "Novaya" - this kind of "Iskra" of the first stage of new revolution, to declare "squandering" of the Soviet stocks of technological durability. Thereby immemorial negationist of October, 1917 indirectly recognized that RF still exists exclusively at the account of eating-up of old Soviet stocks.

New left, these violent unmaskers of daddy Zyu and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation wallowed in electoral games of a mode, on the contrary try to use analogy method to track appearance of preconditions of new Lenin on armored car near the Finnish station and, without finding something similar, make conclusions about ostensible absence of preconditions for socialist revolution in Russia.

Dear sirs and comrades, take hold of heritage of Marx and Lenin and use it creatively! Do not assimilate yourselves to those ordinary generals (of the army and not only) always preparing for yesterday's wars. Reality generates new forms which nobody from us can guess - absolutely in the spirit of east wisdom about plane tree in our garden which gives fruits so necessary to us.

Legendary theatre on Taganka recently became such plane tree, that cultural and ideological smithy of movement of Sixtiers which prepared the most important preconditions for historical recoil of 1991. It's deeply symbolical that revolution took place exactly in that smithy of recoil and a group of actors rejected services of its founder Jury Lyubimov, the former leader of men of the 60-s, now businessman from culture of a new wave. If it reminds you of something?

Sergey Gupalo saw preconditions of the future workers' socialism in the Commune where actors of the theatre entered self-government with electivity of corresponding body and appointment of administrative and creative heads from below. That is the way historical courses were dug by known "mole of history". These people do not know yet that they are direct continuers of the Commune forgotten by all and that they joined those muzhiks from far Ural village Sagra who showed all the world the beginning of revival of originally new Russia.

However, the same as those Ural muzhiks most likely have no suggestion that there is Taganka and that they appear in one row of historical pioneers with actors and workers of a scene of Moscow far for them in every respect.

Summing up all mentioned above, it is possible to apply such conditional formula: the SOVIET THESIS in 70 years PLUS the ANTI-SOVIET ANTITHESIS in 90 years MINUS ballast of historical degradation of last 20 years...


Proceeding from this formula we can firmly declare that all that exist in the world and RF finally works on behalf of new Russian revolution. The target of true social innovators is ability to see perspective points of growth and to direct necessary efforts for their development.


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