
Technogenic Catastrophes Didn't Pass "Truble-Free" ôÁtarstan by

Technogenic Catastrophes Didn't Pass "Truble-Free" ôÁtarstan by
ôÁtyana Gavrilova 12.07.2011

I have already written that technogenic catastrophes can destroy the country rests even before social explosions will do it ("Economic Reality" dated 6/4/2011), though then I talked only about explosions, while reality has surpassed all my gloomy predictions. On the basis of bitter experience of the industrial worker I was surprised that technogenic explosions series of which took place in neighbouring to Tatarstan regions passed our region by short of rather "moderate" damage put then to the Tatarian district town Agryz wedging the territory of Udmurtiya. Last technogenic explosions of artillery shells were noticed there in Pugachevo.

All the same intensity of a social substance in Tatarstan broke through. Instead of technogenic explosions god (or ill fate) sent us technogenic catastrophe on water similar to those which occurred on the decline of the USSR - all those "Admiral Nahimov" near Novorossiysk and steamships which failed to pass bridge spans on Volga...

There's one deep reason of all these accidents - ruptures in the social substance connected with inadequacy in economy sphere, elementary example of full discrepancy of existing gangster public relations to the character of destroyed productive forces. All as Charles Marx wrote taking into account realities of the Russian gangster capitalism.

Not only high technologies aren't compatible to the existing political mode but even ordinary technique of the middle of XX century (like steamship "Bulgaria") is "too tough for the degrading system of Putin RF". What modernization we are talking about after it? Unless about modernization of cut-off and kickbacks, no more.

Our party leader Zyuganov already in the first years of Putin board warned V.V.P that 2004 taking into account merciless finishing off the rests of the Soviet technical base should become fatal from the point of view of technogenic catastrophes. I remember TV-picture of that time: Zyuganov tells something to the frowned Putin about the problem of 2004. 2004 came and nothing extraordinary happened short of Putin's re-election for the second presidential term at full passivity of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Perhaps "wise father Zyu" meant it owing to congenital delicacy speaking exclusively about future technogenic accidents?

Anyhow Putin has got opportunity to sigh easy - father Zyu failed to reveal abilities of gloomy foreteller Cassandra. Years went by and not happened in 2004 technogenic catastrophes took place during the second term of V.V.P. and with appearance of DAM. Most serious - Sayano-Shushenskaya HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION. It turns out that oldie ñÎÇ was right! They shouldn't give him a post of court gloomy prophet Cassandra.

However, all these gloomy jokes aren't pertinent in the face of probable death of 102 missing passengers and crewmen of ill-starred rusty vessel which found its destruction at the bottom of Volga in 80 km from Kazan. Life not simply demands but screams for necessity of elementary public control over bureaucracy and economy so that nobody and nothing could uncontrollably force to use doubtful techniques representing potential danger to people. Only public control, first of all in the form of control of workers will allow to reduce numerous cases of abuse of powers by bureaucrats in sphere of state administration closing eyes on the tricks of new predatory owners using, for example, cheap counterfeit spare parts instead of expensive original.

If we do know what else corrupted bureaucrats in tandem with new owners of economy trade in! I still and even more categorically insist that only after dropping antinational idea of Putin RF "PROFIT AT ANY COST" and transition to saving idea of socialism we can turn present pernicious trajectory of landslide falling back, trajectory which leads the rests of the country to definitive crash. The destiny itself puts before us - new left active workers - a question point-blank: "How long will we sit out in musty blindages of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?" It is high time for us to break surface and started carrying out true work not on imitation of struggle in the spirit of aged father Zyu but get engaged in real struggle for establishment of the control of workers over manufacture, distribution, exchange and consumption. Only this way we will win!

Ç. ëÁzÁn

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