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Number of Poor Russians Increased by 2,3 Million

Number of Poor Russians Increased by 2,3 Million

In the first quarter of 2011 the number of the Russians whose incomes are below living wage size increased from 20,6 to 22,9 million people in comparison with the first quarter of last year. Besides 2,3 million Russians recently become impoverished, now living below the poverty line allowed Rosstat to reveal data received as a result of the All-Russia population census.


The census passed in autumn of 2010 showed that the tendency on decrease in quantity of people living on incomes below living wage (in the first quarter 2011 it made 6473 roubles) which was observed after crisis interrupted in 2011. Data of Rosstat say that the number of poor in the country in the first quarter exceeded 16 percent from total population.


Experts consider that Rosstat fixed the growth of quantity of poor accurately, however the figures of the department characterizing the Russian poverty are all the same understated.


Growth of number of poor is explained first of all by the growth of size of living wage by 17 percent: from 5518 roubles in the first quarter of 2010 to 6473 roubles in the first quarter of 2011 because of a rise in prices for articles of foodstuffs and services.


In June World Bank also worsened its forecast for the rates of reduction of poor population share, having counted up that in 2011 poverty level can be reduced not to 11,2 percent but to 12,4 percent.


- Let's first specify that we are talking not about poor but about beggars, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Due to the fact that the living wage in the Russian Federation proceeds from requirements near to which even the diet of captured Germans in Stalin camps looks more caloric. Poor - are those who are compelled to live on incomes close to the living wage, while those whose incomes are lower - basically can't live on them and are compelled to beg. The second lie is "growth" of the living wage - yes, nominally it's a growth if to measure in roubles-candy wrappers but purchasing capacity of rouble has fallen below 17 percent - the growth of the living wage. While incomes haven't grown even in depreciated candy wrappers and the number of beggars have got replenished by more than two and a half million potential fighters of Putin "popular front". 22,9 million beggars is the sixth part of the population of the Russian Federation. If it's not too many for prospering "raw empire"?


"I have serious question, - Anatoly Baranov continues. - Under the statements of our officials crisis has ended and economy is again on the rise. Prices for oil and gas are again close to record. Why does the number of beggars in the country grow? That is the number of billionaires due to which we are the second or the third in the world grows, while the number of millionaires leave us already rather back places. That is there is an unprecedented polarization in the civilized world - the group of billionaires and their henchmen plundered the whole country with 140-million population! Yesterday I talked to a friend who had just arrived from Germany - she's surprised with our prices for products, prices are unprecedented for Germany, moreover it occurs in season when all should become cheaper. Strawberry and sweet cherry cost 4-5 euros in Europe only in winter! She is puzzled by the fact that people with incomes less than 200 euros can buy carrot and onions which cost one euro in the height of the season. Why carrot and onion should be delivered from Israel and Argentina. There's an impression that the country is ruled by people not capable of holding the purse strings which appeared in their hands - palaces, yachts, mistresses with brilliants in navels - it's a limit of their administrative competence. The country is on the threshold of hungry revolts, more than half of population elementary starves, while they don't have not enough brains to grow carrot in the central Russia..."

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