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New Patriarch of ROC Can Appear to Be from Ukraine

New Patriarch of ROC Can Appear to Be from Ukraine

Episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy is going to put forward metropolitan Vladimir on a post of head of the Russian Orthodox Church and to support his nominee during voting on Church Council. It's said in a message of bishops to Metropolitan Vladimir which text is placed on official site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy.

"Now the work on preparation to Church Council which should elect the new Head of the Russian Orthodox Church is being carried out. On the eve of this significant event we, Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, address your Beatitude with the request to accept our promotion of your nominee at the Patriarchal elections which come nearer", - is spoken in the message.

"We consider You the worthy candidate on Primatial Patriarchal See and we assure that we shall support your nominee at the voting on Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church", - is stated in the message of bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy.

From editorial board: Possible promotion of metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) on the post of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the main political event which can, in case of his election, directly influence policy of not only Russia but also Ukraine and all postSoviet world.

Personal qualities of the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Partiarchy are rather remarkable - it's very skilled, strong politician possessing big authority in church. It is enough to recollect that at elections of patriarch Alexis (Ridiger) metropolitan Vladimir was the second having received only a little bit less voices, than deceased celebrant.

Though, certainly, the lay of the land on Church Council will depend both on a number and quality of applicants. Not only authorities in the Kremlin but also Kiev, and Minsk, and even to some extent Astana will influence its decisions. Everybody somehow got used that the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy - totally business of Moscow. In fact it's not at all so.

More than hundred bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church meet authorized requirements to candidates for patriarchies, archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin - the vice-president of the Department of External Church Communications - informed during online - conference on Wednesday in Moscow. "The charter speaks that it should be bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church not younger than 40 years, he should have kind certificates from external forces (with which church enters partner relations and cooperates), he should have higher theological education, he should have sufficient experience of management over diocese", - Chaplin said, answering a question about "qualities which future patriarch" should possess.

All in all today the Russian Orthodox Church numbers 203 bishops, from them - 149 of ruling ones. There are 35 dioceses in Ukraine, 11 metropolitans, 20 archbishops and 16 bishops - that is 65 hierarchies. It is a third part of the supreme hierarchies of the church - in a case if there will be four or more candidates for the supreme post of the ROC - chances of the Ukrainian metropolitan to become the head of Russian church become very real. Promotion of the patriarchal locum metropolitan Cyril and metropolitans Juvenalij and Kliment is expected from the Russian hierarchies. The list of applicants has not been closed yet.

In case of election to the patriarchy metropolitan Vladimir using great authority in Ukraine can considerably improve intrachurch situation up to termination of split into the UOC MP and UOC KP - in case the Ukrainian church will receive full autocephaly. Or on the contrary, the church of rebellious Philaret (Denisenko) will return to Moscow patriarchy on conditions of granting Philaret himself the post of the head of all Ukrainian church. Official Kiev can simply force him to go on it for the sake of preservation of influence on all Russian church.

Metropolitan Vladimir can appear a person who will overcome a rate of neo-sergianstvo for the church, so sharply accused by bishop Diomid - in fact there will be two, not one secular authorities over church under control of Vladimir - in Moscow and Kiev.

So, it becomes interesting.

Anatoly Baranov


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