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The President Rescues the European Agricultural Industry Risking Own Population

The President Rescues the European Agricultural Industry Risking Own Population

Russia and the European Union signed the agreement allowing immediate renewal of deliveries of the European vegetables to the Russian market, press-service of EU informs. Each European Union country exporting fresh vegetables to Russia should during limited period of time certificate the goods with respect to their origin and absence of bacterium E.Coli 104, is marked in the message from Brussels.


The European Union will transfer Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights the list of the national European departments authorized to assure safety of vegetable production and corresponding certificate will accompany deliveries of fresh vegetables to Russia. This certified system will carry temporal character: if within ten days in the European Union countries no new cases of infection of a person by mutate collibacillus are registered, deliveries of fresh vegetables will be renewed without restrictions.


Thus frozen vegetables will be delivered to Russia under traditional scheme, without special certification.


On June, 2th, 2011 Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights entered interdiction on deliveries of all not processed thermally vegetable production from the European Union in connection with distribution of intestinal infection there. But on June, 10th at the summit Russia - EU passing in Nizhny Novgorod the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev declared that the country is ready to restore import of vegetables from the European Union under corresponding guarantees of EU services.


- Guarantees - good thing but how it is possible to guarantee what doesn't depend on you in any way? - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov surprised. -In case of the given flash of intestinal infection caused by absolutely new strain of mutate collibacillus there are many ambiguities - say, whence did it in general appear? What did cause mutation resulted in formation of highly pathogenic strain of bacterium which usually causes no diseases?

The genomic analysis showed that strain caused epidemic in Europe represents absolutely new highly toxic and highly inflectional form of ETEC. Full gene of the strain has the size of nearby 5,2 Mb. It belongs to a new serotype Escherichia coli E. coli O104 which earlier hasn't caused disease flashes. The comparative analysis has shown 93% of similarity with the strain E. coli EAEC 55989 found out in Central-African Republics and causing diarrhea. In its genome the strain contains sequences which cause hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome received, apparently, as a result of horizontal transgenation. Besides, the strain contains genes of stability to aminoglycoside, macroleads and antibiotics of beta-lactate type.

- Whether it's possible to give guarantees against such background? - Anatoly Baranov continued. - Why, for example, they consider the period of 10 days after which vegetables from Europe will arrive without additional control with a view to the presence of ETEC? It's quite serious question as more than 40 people died in Europe where they received qualified medical help - in similar situation in Russia the number of the dead could be 10 times higher. One more important circumstance hasn't been revealed - the given infection is accompanied by hemolytic-uremic syndrome which even at qualitative treatment causes lifelong complications approximately in 6 percent of cases. That is following statistics there were about 3 thousand infected in Europe, 40 died, nearby 180 should become invalids. At our quality of health services the figure could be increased several times.

"One could ask, what's the reason of such a hurry to take off embargo? - Anatoly Baranov finishes. - Whether we are short of cucumbers in June? Domestic agricultural manufacturer would only sigh with relief - now cucumbers cost 25-30 roubles in the southern part of Russia but they don't reach Moscow, in the capital cucumbers cost 50-70 roubles. What's the reason to rescue literally speaking "ragged itself" European agricultural industry, if own farmer doesn't know where to put a crop? What's the reason of taking such risk? Certainly, there are still a lot of people in Russia, if necessary - new babies will be born. Who in general has granted them the right to risk us?


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