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Dead "Pasha Gusev's Children"

Dead "Pasha Gusev's Children"
Аlexander Golovenko 19.12.2008

Terrible news in the Year of Family: polyethylene package with dead babies has been found in the garbage container in Northeast administrative district of Moscow. Petrovka, 38 at once explained that it's prematurely born children on terms of pregnancy from four up to seven months. Most likely, a source in the Municipal Departments of Internal Affairs explained, found out bodies - "a product of illegal abortions made in-home as legal abortions on the mentioned pregnancy terms are being made only on serious medical conditions, thus all biomaterial is being utilized in special way".

Criminals reporters of "Moscow Komsomolets" pushed searching for the criminals and made a sensational conclusion: "Network of abortion mills works in the capital". There irresponsible maidens are being helped to get rid of unwanted babies not only on late pregnancy but also right after childbirth.

Why did the journalists make conclusion about "abortion mills"? Interruption of pregnancy is not forbidden in Russia, one can found in every yellow newspaper tens announcements of the type: "Abortion. Urgently! In the day of reference". The more I got a grasp of "investigation", the more doubtful I become: whether the workers of sex industry from clandestine brothels which already over ten years "Moscow Komsomolets" advertises persistently and importunately advertises are mummies of found "embryos"?

Really, these "workers of the turf" should somehow get rid of undesirable children, otherwise they will lose work. In fact if to trust same "МК", many "women of the night" are pleased with the craft and do not hasten to repent of sins and to follow the road of moral and physical correction.

About propagation of underground brothels by "Moscow Komsomolets" newspapers write not the first year, emphasizing that supplies of brothels and involving in prostitution (it's not forbidden by the law) is punished by the Criminal code. Why then the owner of "МК" Pavel Gusev, who during all the time of advertising of "yum-yum girls" and "apartments" has not been passed any warning by the Office of Public Prosecutor, feels so fearlessly?

Here you are, for example, a letter was written on July, 7 of the current year by Chairman of Board of Public Human Rights Committee by Tatyana Kvitkovskaja:

About Trading in Prostitution of the Editor-in-CHief of Newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets"

To Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation U.J. Chajka,

chairman of Investigatory Committee at Office of Public Prosecutor A.I. Bastikin

concerning trading in prostitution of the newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets". Newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets" for a long time regularly publishes announcements of granting services of prostites containing contact phones of prostitutes or their direct pimps and phrases of the kind: "Rest with Elochka", "Charmies", "Very Young and Not Only", "Leisure, Minxes", "Girls (2000 roubles!", "Girls and... Cheaply", "Temptresses! Apartments and Attendance", etc.

Probably, it is necessary to be absolutely completely inadequate person not to understand that such advertisements write about prostitution. The system and mass order of publications in the specified newspaper of open announcements of granting services of prostitution gives us the basis to suspect editor-in-chief of this newspaper P.Gusev that he can be one of the leading pimps of Russia. At that the given immoral character is a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation!

This continuing crime should be stopped. I ask you to open immediately a criminal case against editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets" Pavel Gusev under section 241 "Organization of Occupation by Prostitution" and part 5 of section 33 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the newspaper which publishes advertisements on granting services of prostitution is in this case means and instrument of a crime).

I ask you also to address the Government of city of Moscow with application to stop state financing from the budget of city of Moscow of scandalous newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets" participating in advertising of services of prostitution and thus - being involved in this criminal activity.

As we are convinced in extra social danger of P.Gusev, we ask to apply to him pre-trial restrictions in the form of confinement under guard.

Yours faithfully, Т.А. KVITKOVSKAYA,

Chairman of Board of Public Human Rights Committee  

So what happens? A half-year passed - "Pretty Girls", "Mulattos", "Students" and other "Charmies" still invite clients from pages of the newspaper of Pavel Gusev.

Why is he impregnable? Only one answer arises: probably he has got support and protection not only of management of Moscow militia and Office of Public Prosecutor but also of city authorities at a level of city governor J.Luzhkov. Otherwise the shutters will be put up.

The idea is not so silly, especially if to take into account statement of "Коmsomolka" that prostitutes of Moscow daily (probably - nightly) earn 5.000.000 dollars. Monthly this sum makes up, naturally, 150 million "dollars" or about 4 billion roubles. Sex - slaves, as it's known, get only 10-15% from the sum received from the client. The rest is taken away by the pimps who pay for a "front". So I am sure: monthly billions lewd roubles go into sticky hands of the officials close to the Moscow mayor. While his consent to publication of advertising of sex - services - is an obvious thing for me.

Therefore impunity of Pavel Gusev who has been already calling as the main procurer of Russia is understandable. President Putin even made him a member of the Public Chamber. Not a simple member but chairman of the commission on mass-media and information policy. So I have no doubts: babies found out in a garbage tank quite possibly can be from "abortion mills". As well as that their mummies - from underground brothels promoted by "МК". In this very sense all of them - "Pavel Gusev's children".

From editorial board: As a whole we treat prostitution not so nervously as it's an evil which exists always, in any society and irrespective of our attitude to it. Yes, prostitution should be treated as evil. But to rather small evil - - significantly more "modest evil", than, say murder of babies which in detail is described above. Yes, probably, this murder is connected to prostitution but nevertheless these are two different evils.

What did I say it for? For the murder of a child is difficult to justify, even impossible. While prostitution... Well, girls from province frequently find themselves in a difficult financial position and try to get a living this very way. We regret them, even if sometimes... Well, you understand? As in a joke: "... and cry".

In fact young men frequently also find themselves in difficult financial position and go to help unfortunate girls to get a living the best known way - become pipms. However, we do not regret pimps and we do not have sympathy for them. As we do not have sympathy for cops, officials and other who also frequently experience material difficulties and as a result "give a front" to prostitutes and pimps.

Actually, likely editor-in-chief of "Moscow Komsomolets" experiences material difficulties and consequently publishes tempting announcements which are being placed, certainly, not by girls but by their not quite lawful representatives - pimps. Probably Pavel Nikolaevich Gusev, being thin artistic nature, somehow calms his sensitive conscience with some reasons: well, it means nothing, I helped a poor girl to earn hundred - two dollars. Then I helped other girl, many girls. AS well as young men. And adults.

By the way, Pavel Nikolaevich, being engaged in so sensitive business of helping to poor girls, also requires protection - as it's called now "front". And not only at a level of a capital management but also higher. Probably, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gave him protection - forming the Public Chamber he appointed Pavel Nikolaevich there and not a simple member but the most important person supervising journalists and their freedom, having balanced thus in the rights the first and second most ancient trades. Vladimir Vladimirovich is a man of a very subtle humour. No person appeared in his eyes more worthy to represent in the Public Chamber the Russian journalism, rather than Pavel Nikolaevich Gusev.

However, in due time no more worthy person was found to head FSB, than lieutenant colonel Putin. The same way then there was no one more worthy in the All-Russia scale... The main journalist Gusev is now in Putin's scale.

Naturally, no self-respecting representative of journalistic segment (not of "the second most ancient" with whom the Russian "fronts" have got used to communicate) cannot address Gusev from the Public Chamber - and as a whole to this chamber. Speaking language of "sovereign democracy" - it's a shame.

While mayor of Khimki mister Strelchenko went to Gusev to the Public Chamber - on "Beketov's Case". I do not know, whether Beketov himself wanted such "defender" as Gusev but the last agreed. And, apparently, some kind of mutual understanding appeared between Strelchenko and Gusev.

By the way, administration of Khimki for the first time "became notoriously known" when it explained shifting of the tombs of war heroes by the fact that near there was a place where prostitutes from Leningrad highway work. Whether it should liquidate the "working place"? So, it was decided to transfer ashes of heroes - away from places of "labour activity" of the girls and their pimps.

Naturally, Strelchenko and Gusev have certain generality of points of view and vital orientations.

But how could I (or any other normal citizen) imagine myself getting registered to Gusev or Strelchenko's consultation? Even if having very important business? In fact a shame.

Anatoly Baranov, chairman of committee of National Assembly on freedom of speech and mass-media

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