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Putin and Medvedev Are Guilty of Budanov's Death

Putin and Medvedev Are Guilty of Budanov's Death
Alexander Golovenko 15.06.2011
There are events to which first persons of the state should react instantly. For example, technogenic accidents or acts of terrorism with a great number of human victims. Though we live from mourning to mourning, from attempt to attempt it's impossible to get used to them.
Here you are terrible for the reigning "tandem" results of last All-Russia population census. As I've already marked, we have no state statistics. The Kremlin and "The White House" buried it two years ago when they deprived Rosstat of independence and subordinated it to Elvira Nabiullina's Ministry of Economics. If both agreed to recognize "natural decrease" of the population for 8 years on 2,2 million souls - it means, it's actually 2,5-3 times higher. Say, about 7 millions. If to take into account not born babies - all 10. If to take into account a number of abortions made for years of "oil well-being" (7-8 million annually) - I'm scared even to pronounce it...
Though reigning misters Putin and Medvedev gave no comments on so shameful results. They have no time. They still intrigue the country and abroad with greatest "secret" - who will apply for the post of gauleiter of Russia in a year.
Though, to tell you the truth, we should tell both of them: "Both of you don't suit the president's post. There's no future for Russia till you are at the wheel. Go back to discos".
Yury Budanov - participant of the second Chechen War - was shot on Friday in the center of Moscow in broad daylight. The murder bears signs of special cynicism, it's shaken without exaggeration the whole country. Well, if not the whole, then that its part which is capable of thinking. For already three days the journalists, politicians, analysts, deputies and ordinary citizens have been guessing: Who? What for? Why? Who is the murderer? Whether it's the order sent from the Chechen Mountains? Whether it's a revenge of "brothers-in-blood"? Then why did they wait two years after Budanov's exit from a colony?
Only misters Medvedev and Putin uttered no words. Its attitude to killed the Kremlin expressed in one phrase - "the former colonel". It started to be repeated by all news agencies, radio- and TV-channels. Have you noticed? Not the owner of the Award of Courage and the commander of 160th Guards tank regiment, who following the order fought for constitutional order in the Chechen Republic but some artificial colonel.
Today, especially in these hours, it is necessary to observe special tact in estimation of the personality of a victim. On a debt of journalistic service I came to know some details from of Y.Budanov's criminal case. He was accused in murder of 18-year-old Chechen girl Elza Kungaeva. I will pay your attention only to one detail: he organized kidnapping of the girl on the night of March, 27th, 2000 after he fairly celebrated birthday of his daughter in a circle of officers and ... V.Putin's election as the president of Russia.
I hope you haven't forgotten that elections of Yeltsin successor took place on March, 26th? Budanov's officers drank for his health, already considering him the president and the Supreme Commander in Chief ... The Supreme Commander in Chief Putin say won the second Chechen War. By lives of thousand soldiers and civilians which number he didn't give. Only our people lost "the fight for sovereignty" which now has to pay multi-million subsidies to the Chechen Republic. People call them contributions.
Thanks to mad financial injections from Moscow the Chechen Republic blossoms, with every passing year its population grows. Only the Russian cities and villages are dying out.
Today tens portals, tens blogs cites threats of the former insurgent, nowadays the president of the Chechen Republic and the poorest person of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov which he told after Budanov's leaving colony. I will quote: "Budanov - the schizophrenic and the murderer, he is recognized enemy of the Chechen people, - the president of the Chechen Republic declared in the interview to agency "Regnum". - He offended our people. Each man, woman and child considers that while Budanov is alive, we live in shame. He offended honor of the Russian officers. How is it possible to protect him? What judge could set him free? He has ten human lives on his conscience. I think the federal center will make correct decision - he should stay in prison lifelong. Even it will not be enough. Though lifelong term will ease our sufferings a little. If the decision is not accepted, consequences will be bad".
It means the threat has been carried into effect?
That is why Putin, whose favourite is "The Hero of Russia" Kadrov, has no right to keep silent. The same way as Investigatory Committee talking something about "provocative character of murder" and "absence of traces of ethnic groupings" has no right to ignore "the Chechen trace". It's necessary at least to question Kadyrov!
I think that Putin should at once address people. To find exact intonations and right words which the whole country waits from him. To say at least that the killer will be found and punished. At least to promise. Medvedev should do the same. He is the guarantor of our quiet life. After all it's he who wages the third North Caucasian war which end is not visible. He even doesn't put such aim. It is considered that it happens just because the government for some reason puts up there billions for "restoration" ... of not clear what.
That is why people say: the third Caucasian war is also favourable to Medvedev team ("cuts up" and "kickbacks") as the first was favourable to Yeltsin generals and the second - to Putin embezzlers of public funds.
Hey, guys, may be Dmitry Anatolevich is simply one of the partners?
So, we waited for reaction of the president and the prime minister. They decided to laugh at us. At our defenselessness, humility and patience. "Tandem" decided to publish on presidential site extremely humiliating information how "brothers-in-blood" spent time on Saturday. Here you are what news agencies told about it: "... After the conversation heads of the country decided to get engaged in sports together. They bicycled on the territory of presidential administration in Gorky. The head of the government V.Putin rode a mountain bicycle, the president rode graceful highway bicycle. After it V.Putin and D.Medvedev played badminton".
I personally consider this purposely cynical reaction of "tandem" to Y.Budanov's murder a spittle in the face of not only veterans of both Chechen wars, participants of present operations in the North Caucasus, army but also of all of us. And what do you think?
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