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Opposition Calls Not to Take Part in Fictitious Elections in December, 2011

Opposition Calls Not to Take Part in Fictitious Elections in December, 2011

National Rescue Committee formed by parties not admitted by Ministry of Justice to elections formulated program theses for election campaign

Representatives of non-system Russian opposition making part of National Rescue Committee coordinated short program of actions during forthcoming elections in December, 2011 for the State Duma. After public discussion this program will be expanded, added and then offered for realization to all citizens of Russia.

1. We declare that operating elective legislation as well as refusal in registration of oppositional political parties roughly break constitutional laws of millions citizens of Russia, deprive them of their possibility of free choice. Thus, forthcoming in December elections for the State Duma which will pass without participation of real opposition will be fictitious and not free. We are convinced that elections without opposition - political crime. The purpose of National Rescue Committee - ruin of the mode, returning of the rights and freedoms to citizens and carrying out of free elections under public control.

2. We consider that the protest against preparing criminal elections should be consolidated and uniform, only this way it will be visible. We call citizens "self-eliminate" from the lists of voters. It's necessary immediately after announcement of elections to go to local election committee and to demand abandonment of checklists. We will vote after restoration of public liberties.

3. We announce our determination - to go to the squares of the Russian cities in the day of voting protesting against not free, fictitious elections. We urge citizens of Russia - to make the same. All to the streets!

4. We consider cooperation with power in any form, including the form of "monitoring" of obviously not free elections inadmissible. One shouldn't support false power.

5. We address for support to national intelligency - to doctors and teachers, to art workers. We urge you - to explain to broad masses of citizens that participation in such elections will be pernicious for Russia.

Let's remind that National Rescue Committee was created in May of the current year and is tactical union of various opposition parties and movements which main target is counteraction to realization of next "elective performance" planned by authorities for December, 2011. At present representatives of unregistered political parties ROT FRONT, "The Other Russia", "Native Land: Common Sense" and movement the Left Front participate in the work of NRC. There are signatures of Sergey Udaltsov and Konstantin Kosyakin (the Left Front, ROT FRONT), Edward Limonov and Sergey Aksenov ("The Other Russia"), Anatoly Baranov ("Native Land: Common Sense") under declaration on creation of NRC. It is necessary to note that the given declaration is open for signing by representatives of other oppositional organizations.



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