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It Turns out That the Belorussian Government Has a Lot of Currency!

It Turns out That the Belorussian Government Has a Lot of Currency!

Within a month Belarus will receive billion dollars "from other source" plus to EurAsES, the head of the Presidential Administration of the President of the republic Vladimir Makey informed the journalists following the results of a meeting on questions of economy in Minsk. Moreover, according to Makey, there's enough currency in the country. Following the results of first four months about $13 billion currencies were imported. "It's even one billion dollars more than in the most successful 2008", - the head of the Presidential Administration told.


- Here you are! - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov is surprised. - Why do they suffer then? It turns out there's enough currency in the country, more than ever, while the Belorussian rouble is being devaluated, all rises in price and population gets poor. By hard adventure, privatization starts this year. What a coincidence!


In Belarus prices for two thirds of names of cigarettes increased from 30 to 60% since Wednesday. Before the rise took place cigarettes as if evaporated. The management of the Grodno tobacco factory declared that enterprise works without days off, round the clock and even without lunch breaks, shipments of the goods to a trading networks has considerably grown during last days.


Hundreds of Belorussian drivers blocked movement in the center of Minsk for several hours. Drivers protested against the next rise in prices for fuel. For last half of a month gasoline cost in the republic increased by 50 percent. Concern "Belneftekhim" considers the price one dollar for a liter fair. Almost all grades of gasoline including diesel fuel now have the same price.

The court of the Central district of Minsk sentenced several participants of the action of protest against rise in prices for gasoline to large penalties. On "coincidence" all people made answerable appeared members of opposition parties or relatives of oppositional politicians. By estimations of observers, about one and a half thousand drivers took part in the action.

The president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko forbade to rise prices without his permission more than by 3-5%, BELTA informs.

"I strictly forbid any movement of prices over than by 3-5% without my permission", - he told.

Lukashenko demanded to reduce prices for fuel more than by 13% since Thursday, BELTA informs. Lukashenko declared it at the meeting on questions of economy.

"Let's agree: since tomorrow's morning fuel will cost not 5200-5100 Belorussian roubles but maximum 4500", - Lukashenko told.

- Well, they really reduced the price for gasoline by 13 percent, - Anatoly Baranov noticed. - However, before the prices was increased by 50 but it's not important. It's important that they lowered it by 13%. Meantime Suleyman Kerimov will buy controlling stock of "Belaruskali" for 15 billion dollars - though some years ago Alexander Lukashenko declared that "Belaruskali" would always remain state enterprise, however, who remembers such trifles as when and what Lukashenko said. Therefore Kerimov negotiates with Lukashenko personally - their meeting took place that Wednesday. So in the near future batka will have more than enough billions...


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