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Lukashenko's Got Money for Privatization

Lukashenko's Got Money for Privatization

Ministers of Finance of EurAsEC counties approved allocation of credit for Belarus in the sum of 3 billion dollars from reserve fund of the organization. Information was give by the Press Secretary of the head of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov on Saturday. He explained that 1.2 billion dollars would be allocated from the reserve fund in the first year, 800 million dollars - in the second year and 1 more billion dollars - in the third.

- If to calculate annually per capita, it turns out approximately 150 dollars for each inhabitant, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov marks. Frankly speaking, it's not too generous and such money won't solve all problems of the republic. Both - Lukashenko who takes and Kudrin who gives understand it perfectly well. They perfectly well understand that the money are given not for pretty looks.

Let's look on "Plan of Action of the Belorussian Government on Maintenance of Balanced Development of Economy in Conditions of change of Official Belorussian Exchange Rate" which in a press got the name "crisis bailout plan". It was confirmed by the decision of Council of Ministers of Belarus on May, 25th, 2011 and since came in force since then, however it used to be a restricted document. Its content became accessible to all only on Saturday when the plan appeared on official site of the government of the republic.

- If they hide something, it means they have something to hide, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - In this case situation is strange - all the same people in Belarus are sovereign and it's quite unnatural to hide crisis bailout plan of the government till the moment of getting the credit. After all it's not Lukashenko who takes the credit, it won't be personally he who would return it, pay percent and so on. It seems to me that there should be some public discussion in the state applying for the republican establishment, some adequate dialogue between the power and people - after all it's not the cow they are selling. Instead of it the day before it Lukashenko turned against foreign mass-media, first of all against Russian, by the way, against FORUM.msk as well - as we reminded about privatization, drew analogies between current crisis in Belarus and Gaydar's "shock therapy" which ended with depreciation of fixed capital and buying up of the former state property by officials for pennies. However, then Lukashenko refused he had anything to do with privatization - though that were only words and the program of privatization accepted by the government of Republic of Belarus in the beginning of the year was not cancelled.

Now you can you that crisis bailout plan contains measures on elimination of price disproportions in real sector of economy, it is supposed to cancel privileges on obligatory sale of currency for market participants, to give possibilities for payment of taxes and duties in foreign currency. Tariffs for housing-and-municipal services will be raised till the end of the year in two stages, tariffs for telecommunication service and passengers transport will increase essentially. At that governmental crisis bailout plan has practically no radical measures which would be directed on structural reforms in economy - and there's absolutely no section about privatization.

- All it looks very ugly, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - Elimination of price disproportions is actual dollarization of economy which will be inevitably accompanied by further depreciation of national currency. Let's say, today they limited supply of gasoline and diesel oil - at the fixed price already after devaluation, all the same real Belarusian rouble exchange rate is such that gasoline turns out to cost about 87 cents. It is clear that it won't be so for long and its price will become "European", Belorussian rouble and everything that is nominated in roubles will becomes cheaper due to it. First of all fixed capital and real estate. Life will become essentially more expensive. For the sake of what? For the sake of inflow of dollars to economy? There is a question - how these dollars will be spent, what's the severe need in them now? It turns out that there's one answer - privatization. Which the government of Republic of Belarus providently doesn't mention before citizens. Probably, so that not to irritate. What for citizens should know a lot?


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