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Today Governors Are Being Made up from Sports Observers

Today Governors Are Being Made up from Sports Observers

The president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev submitted for consideration of Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region the nominee of Nikita Belyh for vesting powers of the governor of the region, "Interfax" informed referring to the press-service of the Kremlin. To nominee the former leader of Union of Right Forces, nowadays a sports observer of radio station "Echo of Moscow" to a post of the governor - perhaps, there was no similar farce for a long time.

In connection with nomination Belyh declared that he's not going to get engaged in politics after appointment. "It's not a question of political work. The question is about the concrete region which is in a heavy situation also due to the world crisis which has touched also Russia", - he said to "Interfax" on Monday in the evening.

One may ask, who is he, the great manager - anti-crisis maker Nikita Belyh outside of his political career?

Nikita Jurievich Belyh was born on June, 13, 1975 in Perm. Has graduated from economic and law departments of the Perm State University, has entered postgraduate studentship, passed training in Oxford. He is Doctor of Science, held a post of the main metallurgist in "Aircraft Engine", Ltd.

In 2001 he became chairman of the Perm organization of Union of Right Forces but already on December, 9, 2001 newly made party member was elected the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Perm area. In March, 2004 Belyh was appointed the vice-governor of the Perm area and in the spring of the next year was elected chairman of Union of Right Forces. He handed in resignation from the post of the vice-governor of the Perm area on May, 31, 2005 and in December, 2006 was elected the deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Perm territory under the list of Union of Right Forces, then he handed in resignation from the post of chairman of the party but was at once re-elected. In autumn of the current year, on September, 26 Nikita Belyh declared about his leaving from the post of chairman of Union of Right Forces and his secession.

"I do not believe in democratic modernization of the country from above. I also do not think that the state should control parties. Also... I can not simply step across myself. It was very hard for me to make such a decision but I made it. Today I handed in resignation and left "Union of Right Forces", - he wrote that day in his LiveJournal (belyh.livejournal.com).

Well, with political career has been loudly finished - he told it himself, nobody made him speak up.

In the meantime Union of Right Forces Party officially declared self-dissolution. Other two right parties - "Civil Force" and Democratic party of Russia acted the same way. In result on the basis of those three one new was created - All-Russia political party "Right Cause". Nikita Belyh the same day the constituent congress of "Right Cause" took place declared that he had doubts in its oppositional character. He said it truly, obviously, one should suppose that N.Belyh is the true, patented oppositionist, with quality mark...

Here you are new high appointment. For what merits? Well, probably, there were merits, if the president did not find anybody more skilled and more reliable, than the Perm follower of the well-known ball belonging to a neddy Ia-Ia - in a meaning "he enters and leaves, enters and leaves".

In due time Putin somehow mentioned that a bench in the Kremlin was very short. Probably, he told the truth. Nobody was found even in "Edinaya Russia" (the deputy from ЕR Igoshin, earlier being a party member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation applied for the post of Vyatsky general - governor but something went wrong). Well, it's ok, there are other sports observers on "Echo of Moscow", enough to choose other governors. While Igoshin should not close "Independent Review" after transition from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation into the party in power but on the contrary to create sports department there and to head it personally. May be career growth would begin...


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