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Refuse Visas to the Officials of "Transneft" - Prelude to Vladimir Putin's Arrest?

Refuse Visas to the Officials of "Transneft" - Prelude to Vladimir Putin's Arrest?

Great Britain refused visas to two vice-presidents of "Transneft" - Micahel Barkov and Michael Arustamov.

Refusal to give visas to vice-presidents of "Transneft" is connected with position which transport monopoly occupies within the project of Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CTC). It was declared by the president of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev.

"They refused not only to vice-president Michael Barkov, they refused also to the first vice-president Michael Arustamov. There are also other cases. They certainly depress us. Explanation is needed to be found. First of all I connect it with our activity in CTC - Caspian Pipeline Consortium", - he told in interview to TV channel "Russia 24".

"We quite rigidly defend interests of Russia in this consortium. Until recently they were very seriously infringed, ignored, if it is possible to say so. We started to work seriously after the transfer of powers to "Transneft". I think, someone doesn't like it very much and such approach to this work from our part annoys. Accordingly we have problems", - Tokarev explained.

"It is a pity that it happened as Michael Barkov represents interests of Russia in supervisory board and it is a bad signal for future", - the head of "Transneft" added.

"I think that Russia will have enough means to answer adequately to similar steps", - Tokarev is assured.

Let's notice that Tokarev directly tells about interests of Russia as of the state and not about interests of the company and confidently declares that there will be reaction of the state on refuse visas to private persons.

Who are those people who, like Louis XIV, confidently declare: "State is I!"?

Let's note they declare it rather confidently, not without bases.

For example, despite a court sentence, "Transneft" isn't going to give documents to the known blogger Alexey Navalny.

"We don't give anything to rascals and are not going to do it", - vice-president of "Transneft" Michael Barkov declared in interview to "Izvestiya". In his opinion, the founder of the anticorruption project "Rospil" works for speculators who once bought up preference shares, the citation, "fraudulently for nothing".

In the middle of February the arbitration court of Moscow obliged "Transneft" to give out demanded documents, the company appealed, however, the sentence remained in force. Nevertheless, as the president of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev informed, the decision would be still challenged.

Here you are: shareholders are - rascals, court decision has no value.

Let's pay attention that today more than one and a half thousand people, if to trust the counter, addressed that page of Vladimir Pribylovsky's site "Anticompromising evidence" where Nikolay Tokarev's biography is placed.

The most interesting: Saw service in the First central administrative board of KGB of the USSR (external investigation) and FSB. Under information of "New Newspaper", since 1984 worked in Dresden.

NB: N.Tokarev is three times mentioned in Vladimir Usoltsev's [Gortanov] book "Colleague" as Nikolay from "T" department (technical investigation) which was transferred to Dresden from Leipzig. Since 1993 to 1996 he headed the department of external affairs in JSC "Russian-German Leasing Company", affiliated structure of Sberbank of Russia.

In 1996-1999 was assistant to the general director of Presidential Management Property Department of Russia (in 1996-97 Putin was the deputy chief of the department).

In August-September, 1999 was appointed vice-president of JSC "Transneft". Supervised external economic block, foreign projects and information-analytical work of the company. According to magazine "Russian Newsweek", remained reserve officer of FSB and was responsible for safety of "Transneft" ("Russian Newsweek", 1/15/2007).

In 2000 considered one of the contenders to the post of the head of "Gazprom".

In September, 2000 was appointed the general director of the Russian Foreign Economic Association "Zarubezhneft".

In 2004 they published UN report written by Tom Volker on abuses within the limits of the program "Oil in Exchange for Foodstuff". According to the report, some participants of the program exceeded quotas allocated to them, resold oil and underpaid taxes from the profit. Gunvor International and Gunvor Energy (supervised by Gennady Timchenko) were mentioned among infringers, they bought up about 3 million tons of the Iraqi oil for the sum of $500 million from "Zarubezhneft".The profit from resale of one barrel of the Iraqi oil reached $5, that is 3 million tons of oil could bring about $125 million - these incomes petrotraders, as Volker's report affirms, then shared with "Zarubezhneft".

It turns out that it is a question of what no less than Vladimir Putin's "pocket"?

It means that refuse the British visas to the high-ranking employees of "Transneft" is "the first call" to the national leader who from the authoritative head of the country can suddenly turn to the trivial swindler being internationally wanted. After Stross-Kan's case similar succession of events does not seems improbable.



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