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Lukashenko Accused "Sickening Influence of Democracy" of the Act of Terrorism in Minsk

Lukashenko Accused "Sickening Influence of Democracy" of the Act of Terrorism in Minsk

Runet discusses the president of Belarus Lukashenko who, addressing members of the House of Representatives and Republic Council, accused "sickening influence of democracy" of the Minsk act of terrorism on April, 11th. The head of the Belorussian state named Internet "the main bomb technician", having specified that organizers of explosion at the station "Oktyabrskaya" of the Minsk underground found information about construction of explosives in World wide web. A.Lukashenko hinted that now Network should wait for new sanctions.


For today to join Internet in Belarus is possible exclusively under passports that allows law enforcement bodies to supervise each user. Besides, access to many sites in Belarus is simply closed.


A.Lukashenko noted that one of the arrested persons suspected in organization of act of terrorism is a student of private high school ("A student from private high school participated in act of terrorism. It's immoral, lost oneself in drinking person - she is only 21 or 22 - there's no place to put a mark on"), he also charged to carry out rigid checks of non-state universities in the shortest terms to understand "what students are taught there". It is necessary to notice that tens high schools were closed over the last 10 years in Belarus (first of all - branches of the European universities).


According to A.Lukashenko, act of terrorism in Minsk was provoked by excessive democracy. "We are guilty, first of all - the power is guilty in it. On the eve of presidential election we played in democracy to such an extent that not only you but I am also sick of it. There were already so much "democracy" that I was simple "sick", - the Belorussian leader declared the day before.

A young man who blew up underground in Minsk is a member of the Belorussian Republican Youth Union (analog of "Nashi"), they found three more bombs in his house, more powerful, than ones used in act of terrorism, the president Alexander Lukashenko declared.

Lukashenko told that "we haven't found yet links either to politicians, criminals or gangsters" in the course of investigation of act of terrorism on April, 11th. "But we consider all versions", - the Belorussian leader added. Lukashenko rejected such reasons for act of terrorism as interreligious, ethnic discord, shootouts and struggle between oligarchs. "Mentally unbalanced people who could be used at any time by those who understood situation very well", - Lukashenko added.

"Belarus is exposed to massed pressure, - the head of the state underlined. - At first - political threats: aversion of results of last presidential campaign, lists of not allowed to travel abroad, economic sanctions. Then - inflating of agiotage, panic in the currency, consumer markets on the tips from different local and foreign analysts. Then - dancing on bones in connection with events at the station "Oktyabrskaya" in the underground".


From editorial board: As we can see, Lukashenko displaces accents in the case about act of terrorism - if earlier he declared that the crime was completely investigated during the first days and two workers - the turner and the electrician - were accused guilty, now he blames "rotten intelligency" - there appeared a girl-student with nasty moral shape and a member of the pro-presidential youth organization in the "investigated case".


It's interesting to know, if act of terrorism has been finally investigated or soon there will be new surprises?


However, surprises didn't stop coming. It appears that narrow crack of freedom of speech which was slightly opened during the last election campaign (OSCE recognized access to mass-media for different candidates unequivocally unequal) is that "democracy" which already made Lukashenko sick. However, freedom of speech makes every dictator sick, it is normal reaction.


Nothing new was told about Internet - the European monarchs told the same things about distribution of literacy and publishing 400 years ago.


Lukashenko also repeated the words of our Zyuganov: "Stop, enough revolutions, you have reached the ceiling". "Radical break of relations, demolition of the states takes place, such revolutions are not necessary to anybody. They will not bring anything in immediate prospect, only harm, you will see", - the president underlined. "They have completely mastered rhetoric of our Vladimir Ilich Lenin and use it. That is, it appears, they need revolutions", -Lukashenko considers.

In the field of natural resources Lukashenko completely repeated Timoshenko who ordered to bore across all Ukraine in search of oil (they haven't found while): "I strongly bother all experts last years, so that they search what we have. All the same it seems to me that we have oil somewhere. If there is oil - natural gas should appear somewhere. I hope".

Lukashenko managed to repeat even president Medvedev - "innovations, investments and initiative" - those "three And" which Russia in due staked on should become now a guiding beacon for Belarus. However, they spoke about "four And" in Russia, also about intelligence. Simply Belorussian leader has special relations with intelligence. We still remember his pearls "the Belorussian people will live badly but not long" and "when normal human eggs will appear on sale".

Probably, the main feature of the Belorussian model not in some originality but that it is similar to all dictatorships at once - from late Brezhnev to early Mussolini.

It looks that there will be no serious political repressions in connection with act of terrorism in Minsk - Lukashenko has studied reaction and it obviously hasn't pleased him. Especially early publicity of the names of suspects - now everyone can start studying circumstances of the case and to find there obvious and hidden mismatches. When names of villains are not known, it's easier to join them up to a general political line.


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