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Program of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience in Police State

Program of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience in Police State
Edward Limonov 20.04.2011

Source: limonov-eduard.livejournal.com

Already for the second decade we have been living in not democratic, authoritative state at not changing power of the same group of people. They won't let people re-elect them, they won't leave on own initiative. What could be done? Here you are what, in my opinion, citizen of the Russian Federation can oppose to aggression of the authoritative state.

The program of nonviolent civil disobedience in a police state:


I, citizen of RF, refuse to perform my functions of citizen till civil freedom is restored in the negative, not democratic state and free elections are held. Restore my rights and when they will restored, I will start fulfilling my duties. There are no rights - you don't receive fulfillment of duties. Until then I will resist to you using following methods:


As I can't elect those persons or those political parties which correspond to my political convictions because they are absent in the ballot, I go straight to local election committee and in written form demand to cross me from lists of voters off and to fix documentary my self-exception having put stamp and date on the 2nd copy of my manifest.

I DO NOT PARTICIPATE in life activity of the negative state:

- I live strictly under the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I execute its substantive provisions, however, I abstain from execution of those regulations which obviously take civil and political freedoms belonging to me according to the Constitution away. For example, I demand execution of article 31 of the Constitution instead of repressive law on meetings and gatherings actually crushing this article. I consider the law on political parties as extremely repressive and I do not execute it, I ignore the law on elections and so on, at will.

- I do not serve in militia, in courts, in ministries and administrations of all levels;

- I do not cooperate with any official bodies, let them become empty. I do not address them even for inquiries;

- I flinch from participation in polls and censuses;

- I do not support the power. I do not participate in any organizations joint with the power;

- My children don't study in state schools. My children will stay at home till carrying out of free elections;

- I do not participate in their science, culture, in their army, in their sports and entertainments till carrying out of free elections. I do not go to their cinema and theaters at all.


- I do not make any financial operations with state structures and institutions;

- I do not keep means in banks. If there is deposit - withdraw it from bank;

- I do not fill tax declaration. I abstain from it "till the best times", till realization of my rights and freedoms;

- I do not pay debts under credits and mortgages taken in the state banks;

- I refuse to pay a rent to the state. I do not pay for apartment and housing and communal services to it. (Whenever it's possible) I postpone it all until my rights and freedoms will be realized, while free elections will be held in the country.

The citizen can practice all at once, few or one of methods of nonviolent resistance, according to the degree of his personal bravery but he is obliged to participate in nonviolent disobedience.

The citizen is obliged to go to streets and to participate in protest actions.

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