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"Japanese Chernobyl" Is Consequence of Secrecy of Nuclear Program of Tokyo

"Japanese Chernobyl" Is Consequence of Secrecy of Nuclear Program of Tokyo

At the moment level of danger on "Fukushima-1" reached the greatest possible level - 7 points on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES). International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations appropriated till now only to the catastrophe on the Chernobyl NPP in 1986. As Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK transfers, decision on increase of level of danger was accepted after gaugings of radiation level radiation at the station. Maintenance of radioactive isotopes of iodine and caesium in water of pool of the 4th reactor of atomic power station "Fukushima-1" exceeds norm in 100 thousand times.

At the moment of earthquake the reactor in the fourth power unit of "Fukushima-1" was blocked for carrying out of planned check, besides 1331 worked out and 204 new cores were present in the pool of the reactor. It is informed that 548 used cores appeared to be damaged because of overheat.

Decision about increase of the level was accepted after radiation level at the atomic power station in 10 thousand terabecquerel per hour had been holding out throughout several hours - it's condition for assignment of the 7th category on INES. Such excess, according to experts, is connected with partial destruction of fuel cores and background which fragments of various details fallen into the pool could create. Ratio of radioactive iodine in water from Fukushima-1 is 7,5 million times as much as norm.

Ration of radioactive isotopes of caesium in fish caught off the coast of Japanese prefecture Fukushima in 25 times exceeds maximum permissible value. Experts investigated content of radioactive elements in jacks of the sandwort caught 500 meters from the coast of the city of Iwaki and 35 kilometers from emergency atomic power station Fukushima-1. In one of samples content of caesium made 12,5 thousand becquerels per kg.

"Welifted level to the seventh as consequences of leaks of radiation are fixed in the air, vegetables, tap water and in the ocean", - Minoru Oogoda from Japanese Agency of nuclear and industrial safety recognized.

According to the Japanese commission on nuclear safety, annual limit of external radiation equal to 1 mSv in total calculation exceeds in zone run more than 60 km northwest from the atomic power station and about 40 km east-southeast.

Even dreadful figures of suffered from earthquake itself and tsunami fade on this background, official death toll in 12 Japanese most suffered prefectures makes 13 439 people, 14 867 people are missing. After a lapse of so long time it is possible to assume that practically all missing people are dead. That is more than 28 thousand people died.

However all these aftermath of earthquake and tsunami which are estimated in 300 billion dollars plus 160 billion from nuclear catastrophe repercussion can seem insignificant in the light of the prospect which is opened by the Japanese nuclear program, Alexander Shabanov, the senior lecturer of physical chemistry subdepartment of the Moscow State University, the expert in the field of radioactive isotopes, former deputy of the State Duma, committee-man of the State Duma on international affairs believes.

- By nature of my scientific work I had to deal with fissile elements, it's my basic work, - Alexander Shabanov said. - I will tell you that many unexpectedness which they face now at "Fukushima" are connected with high degree of secrecy of the Japanese nuclear program. This secrecy - I am 100 percent sure - is connected with a military part of the Japanese nuclear program which as though isn't present. The same way "as though", for example, Israel has no military program. Which "as though" India and Pakistan didn't have until they made nuclear tests.

- It has been already told that Japan could have been instilling weapon plutonium for many years and Japanese technologies quite allow to create nuclear weapon in the shortest terms...

- In the shortest terms nuclear weapon can appear in Brazil or Iran. While Japan already has it. It is known to special services, experts. At that it is not a question of "heavy" rockets with powerful nuclear fighting part on the basis of plutonium. Absolutely unessential. I talk about tactical nuclear weapon which creation has not mentioned in general in the agreements and limitation treaties - only the USA and Russia has similar weapon limitations. Japan can have americium or curium which is necessary much less by its weight and compactness of nuclear charge. Of course, Japan has delivery means as well as rockets both of short and medium range, torpedo, rocket of air basing and, at last, artillery systems.

- You talk about things which demand proof.

- I will remind that in 70s years Japan had many very interesting works about fissile elements but then they suddenly disappeared from open allocations. Just as in Germany of 30s years publication of works on nuclear physics suddenly stopped. There appeared powerful nuclear complex, certainly, purely peaceful but with enormous degree of secrecy. Interest too outer space appeared - own rockets boosting objects into ballistic trajectory started to be constructed. Aviation projects started developing after war for the first time. By the way, appreciable militarization of the country where, despite direct constitutional interdiction, were powerful "forces of self-defense" having all types and branches of troops and, by the way, being selected on the basis of general compulsory military service took place. It's enough for me for understanding of what's going on...

- Do You think that Japan will enter "the nuclear club"?

- Certainly not only Japan but this country together with Israel actually is already in the nuclear club, it's necessary only to make tests for high-grade membership but following some political reasons they are not in a hurry to carry them out. Though it doesn't make them "denuclearized". As a whole we have already mentioned both Brazil and Iran. There is still variety of countries which can knock at doors of "nuclear club" literally tomorrow - it is not the question of technologies but of political will or circumstances. As a whole it's, of course, impossible to limit spread of knowledge and technologies in the modern world, actually it never was. Events at "Fukushima" just make this question actual.

Anatoly Baranov

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