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Is Every Third Policeman Criminal?

Is Every Third Policeman Criminal?

962 have false education certificates - the fact was found out in course of checks which were carried out since 2007. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev told in his interview to "The Russian Newspaper". As he said, more than 200 thousand education certificates were checked for that period.


The Minister of Internal Affairs also informed that about third of candidates hide information about drug taking, abusing alcohol and facts of wrongdoings at employment to militia.


Corresponding data was received as a result of checks of candidates on polygraph. By means of "lie detector", according to Nurgalivev, about six thousand militiamen were checked in 2010.


- Well, false diplomas are ok, they make just half-percent, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noticed. - Better give us details about hiding information "by third of candidates about drug taking, alcohol abusing and facts of wrongdoings"! After all "candidates" are not simple passes-by, all of them are operating militiamen who should just change stripes. That is it turns out that, I will note, according to minister Nurgaliev, today every third militiaman - criminal? In similar situation the Ukrainian president Yushchenko simply dismissed GAI and hired new employees. It is necessary to tell, unlike other undertaking of the Ukrainian ex-president the result of that act was quite decent. At least while new GAI officers haven't got necessary skills to take and extort bribes. Instead of it Nurgaliev recolours old thieves, murderers and addicts in "new policemen". Though it's clear after all - if to using polygraph our GAI officers one question: "Whether you took bribes?" - it's possible to renew almost 100% of traffic police service. As to alcohol intake it's in general ridiculous to ask. As to the drugs... I think it would be possible to change compeletely the staff of the departments occupied with "control" of drugs. Only minister Nurgaliev will remain at the end in the updated police as I won't stand surety even for his deputies.


"Certainly, new people's power should carry out reform of the Internal Affairs Agencies anew, - Anatoly Baranov considers. - It was easier to Bolsheviks to do it, they received almost ready national militia from Provisional government. While before us - crowd of "chain dogs" of the mode - corrupted, half-drunk, connected with underworld. All structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be declared excess. OMONs, special department and other retaliatory bodies should be disbanded in general. If future national militia needs fire support, corresponding divisions should be a part of Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they shouldn't carry in the pockets militia "cards". It will be necessary to carry out "national enlistment" to militia - from among young workers, graduates of high schools. Old staff, of course, should remain in investigatory departments, among analysts, experts and in general in the structures demanding narrow specialization. New people should be in the departments which are closely connected to citizens. Let them be not so skilled at the beginning but it is better than criminal experience of present "guardians". It is necessary to create system of elective posts in militia - such posts as of local police officers, chiefs of police divisions, heads of city and regional directorates should become elective. Elective judges and public prosecutors should be on their other hand. Then it will look like national militia. While now - police goons and they will remain them..."

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