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Vice Premiere Ivanov Dismissed the Head of ROSCOSMOS

Vice Premiere Ivanov Dismissed the Head of ROSCOSMOS

In the near future the head of Federal Space agency Anatoly Perminov will leave the post in connection with attainment of the maximum service age of the state official. It was declared on Wednesday by vice-premier of the Russian Federation Sergey Ivanov, news agency RIA Novosti informs. "Anatoly Nikolaevich Perminov is already 65. Under the Russian law, every state official can't keep the post at attainment of the maximum service age", - Ivanov told, making speech at press conference in Washington. Ivanov didn't specified when resignation would take place.


Let's note that the question about Perminov's dismissal from the post of the head of the Russian Space Department arose already for the second time. Last time rumours about his resignation appeared after loss of three carriers "Glonass M" in December and rigid criticism of vice-premier Sergey Ivanov which followed.


The head of the Russian Space Department declared earlier that he's ready to leave the post in case such decision would be accepted in the government. "I also have heads. When I will need to change work, they will tell me about it", - Perminov told to the journalists on March, 11th, making comments on the rumours about future resignation.

From editorial board: Certainly, scandalous idiocy of situation shows full inability of the Russian power even to understand own interests, not that that to realize them.


If Perminov doesn't have a clue in business charged to him, why it's necessary to wait till he attains the maximum service age to dismiss him? Whether he is a king that it's impossible to make him resign having sued upon previous "achievements"? Or we live already in Saudi Arabia and high posts can be occupied only and exclusively by members of one "family" and it's impossible to treat them as simple butters and swindlers, it's possible to address them only "your highness"?


However, there is also other reason - if to dismiss for work failure, there will be a question who appointed such "valuable" expert, who recommended him and held on this warm place without allowing to drop out of it for many years?


While such "gently born misters" as vice-premiers - belong to "royal family" in Putin Russia, it's impossible to make Sergey Ivanov answer for failures in the branch controlled by him. It is possible only to appoint his gently born son to head the board of directors of the largest Russian insurance company SOGAZ - probably, for successes of his father in the field of the defensive industry. Not only GLONASS but also "Superjet" and "Bulava" and many other things are among such successes.


At the same time gently born mister doesn't bear any responsibility - he only looks after it. Just as observer. He doesn't need to understand the details - the main thing is to belong to "family".


However such other gently born mister as the head of the Russian Space Department already should understand problematics of his department. Here the question about age limit appears.

Unless a person become fool at reaching 66 years? He was clerver, when he was 65 and then suddenly grew stupid. Certainly, such things happen - here you are, the baroness Thatcher - always clever and gently born - now suffers Alzheimer's disease. But it's absolutely different case.

More likely on the contrary becoming older the expert in the field of high technologies gets especial value as the carrier of in many respects unique knowledge. Yes, of course, age is taking its toll and it's not good to send such expert to load bags but unless his value is in loading bags?

In high-ranking hierarchies such approach is clear: you get fed up on warm place up to certain age - let other to be fed up. In postindustrial economy, in "economy of knowledge", as gently born mister president likes to say, absolutely different approach is required. Here each high grade expert is valuable and it should be the target to prolong his creative age.

While in our "economy of knowledge" primitive-communal principle perfectly stated in "The Ballad of Narayama" reigns - in medieval Japan old men were to be carried out to the mountain Narayama where they died so that they didn't eat bread in vain. However, similar plots are present in mythology of almost all people, both Slavs, and Greeks, and Filipinos. The essence of these plots is in transition of a society from struggle for livelihood to accumulation of knowledge.

Principle of "mountain Narayama" dominates in neofeudal Russian state system. In "economy of knowledge" as they understand it, knowledge has no value - only close relationship and affinity to a throne matters. Then even careless but gently born official bears no responsibility for flunked job and retires at attainment of certain age limit.

In medieval Japan, by the way, all it ended with revolution of Mejia. In Romanov's Russia - with series of revolutions of the beginning of XX century. Imperial China simply ceased to exist as the state for whole 50 years, it was simply divided among themselves by more developed powers.

Аnatoly Baranov


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