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Whether Medvedev Would Manage to Kick off Putin's "Oil King" Sechin?

Whether Medvedev Would Manage to Kick off Putin's "Oil King" Sechin?
Аlexander Golovenko 05.04.2011

When in the summer of the year before last present president of Bashkiria M.Rakhimov accused "Edinaya Russia" in "Moscow Komsomolets", many considered that attack a kind of auction. Say, the Bashkir leader wants to get better place and to protect family business before leaving.

While he spoke very unpleasant for "sweet party" things.

- Let's look at the State Duma. Unless it is a parliament? It is a shame to look at! People laughs at seeing voting in empty hall, as if they are playing piano. Party is being headed by people who never ordered to breed hens. If it could be so? - Murtaza Gubajdullovich asked as though by the way reminding that he worked for 34 years at the factory.

It is not important that soon Rakhimov was compelled to retire - the main thing is that he shook most part of pollen of innocence from "Edinaya Russia". Henceforth many reflected: who, by the way, heads it?

Actually all Duma chiefs didn't breed hens - starting from Gryzlov and including part genosse Putin. His political "roof", as it is known, in Soviet period was very low - a member of trade-union committee. As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs he looked a caricature on Dzerzhinsky, under stories, he wants to be like him very much.

When not very critical speaker contacted with "scientist" Petrik, became his coauthor and started pushing his filters at the state account, the same "MK" addressed him with poisonous letter "Mister Gryzlov, are you corrupted person?"

The author, in particular, wrote: "Dear Boris Vyacheslavovich, probably, you will call this situation "indefatigable work to the blessing of fatherland and amazing coincidence of circumstances". I would name it the fact of barefaced, impudent corruption. I will explain why. As you understand, there is such concept - the conflict of interests". It's when official can exercise his power to have benefit. That is why it is forbidden to officials to be engaged in business, otherwise they are asked to leave the post. You, nevertheless, hasn't left the post and lobbied idea which realization will bring astronomic money personally to you as to the coauthor of the patent because in party competition where you are party leader has won the person having general patent with you. If this fact confuse you? If it's not open corruption?..."

The most tenacious analysts saw "paw of Korejko" here, that is direct interest of the non-party chairman of the party - premiere V.Putin without which approval Gryzlov can't make a step. Many understood: face-to-face dethronement of "the national leader" stands behind criticism of "Edinaya Russia".

I will neither confirm, nor deny that all disagreements inside reigning "tandem" - specially played performance on a theme "good and bad" policemen. I in essence don't care what Putin or Medvedev told about aggression of the international gangster of NATO in relation to bombardments of Libya. The main thing - result. It's like that - without the slightest grounds, under the pretext of protection of peaceful population NATO began aggression against sovereign republic, repeating one to one Iraq and Afghani scenarios. Today serious politicians talk about "Putin Plan
 made up by Gryzlov as about something parody.

Today even the most politically backward old woman agrees that: "Edinaya Russia" - is a party of swindlers and thieves". As she every day feels robbery of "the ruling and supervising".

Growing expensiveness and monstrous growth of housing tariffs made the rent very heavy for 75-80% of the state employees and pensioners. In the same time the State Duma is full with millionaires and billionaires ...

A year after failure at the Peking Olympic Games, i.e. in October, 2009 president Medvedev declared that higher ranking state officials should leave posts of heads of sports federations. Professionals who would 24 hours a day think about records and preparation of champions should occupy them. Instead of thinking about "regulation of monetary streams".

On the one hand, the requirement seemed to me a half measure, on the other - absolutely correct step. At that time the minister of sport Mutko headed football federation, the head of the Office of the President Naryshkin - swimming federation, Vice-premier Zhukov - chess federation, the director of FSB Patrushev - volleyball one. Ministers Lavrov, Levitin, etc also headed some other federations.

Why I treated that Medvedev's requirement with irony? Because I thought: the main evil is when vice-premiers and ministers head Boards of directors of the richest raw and transport companies and corporations at that having no the remotest. Secondly, their combination - is direct infringement of the law on civil service, forbidding officials to be engaged in business. Thirdly, those were badly hidden feeding troughs which allowed officials to get enriched as well as to "regulate" monetary streams in necessary direction. I cited words of the chairman of the National Anticorruption Committee Cyril Kabanov:

- It's not a secret, - he said, - that members of boards of directors and their chairmen receive solid bonuses from companies. Therefore I consider that it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for unauthenticated data on incomes of officials urgently in Russia....

Probably, a little can go a long way really, for on March, 30th Medvedev made the statement which people waited for three years. He demanded vice-premiers and ministers to leave boards of directors of the companies with the state participation. However, he arranged it as "innovation", having explained that "the state can't be better businessman, than business itself". All understood: on the eve of forthcoming parliamentary and presidential election "majestic kid" strikes the most powerful blow to feeding troughs of Prime Minister Putin.

It is not a secret that being in the head of board of directors his vice-premiers and ministers could spend all necessary sums "for needs of the party".

The public scarcely had time to understand that it's a game, PR, artificial severity - executive order enlisting 17 Putin people who should till June, 1st stop holding of more than one office in companies appeared in two days on a site of the president (see the list on presidential site). However analysts called the measure masking of the main blow: deprivation of vice-premier I.Sechin of possibility to control business of "Rosneft". That is it's the blow to Putin's "oil king" who became one of the most influential world politicians and ... businessmen. Here you are the real swing!

Some editions noticed: Prime Minister Putin in no way commented Medvedev's "crusade" against "capitalism of friends". Perhaps the first felt himself being so strong that he wants to finish with capitalism of his supervisor ...


So, according to the order of president Medvedev, the first vice-premier Victor Zubkov leaves board of directors of "Russian Agricultural Bank", "Rosspirtprom", "The State Agro-Industrial Leasing Company", vice-premier Igor Sechin - from board of directors of "Rosneft", "Rosneftegaz" and "INTER RAO UES", Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin - from board of directors of VTB Bank, "ALROSA". Minister of Defence Anatoly Serdyukov - from "Oboronservis", Minister of Energy Sergey Shmatko - from "RusGidro", "Gazprom", "Zarubezhneft", Minister of Transport Igor Levitin - "International Airport Sheremetyevo", "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines", Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik - from "United Grain Company", Communications Minister Igor Schegolev - from "Telecommunications Investment Company" and "1st Channel".


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