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Don't Disturb Colonel Kaddafi

Don't Disturb Colonel Kaddafi

Grechaninov Vladimir 29.03.2011

A man comes to the doctor comes and says:

- Doctor, Kaddafi disturbs me recently.

- Don't disturb him, - the doctor answers, - than he will leave you alone.

Really good story though not new, isn't it? Meaning that for our citizens since the answer to Chamberlain world situation was always a matter of first importance. Workers' and Peasants' power considered political education more important thing, than mastering of such important institute of civilization as watercloset.

Now citizens have analysis of ulcers of imperialism, things with watercloset are not so good judging by condition of latrines. Especially in its final part where it is necessary to pull handle and wash up hands. At times workers forget to do it but just because their hands itch to rush to the computer and to write something like: "Hands off from friend Kaddafi, freedom to Amin Salazarovich Hussein" and further something else in the same freedom-loving spirit!

It's amazing where such impetuous love to cannibals and tyrants come from? If it's heavy heritage of serfdom? If it's slavish adoration of the owner hidden in genes no matter who it is - Stalin, Chiang Kai-shek or even Dracula? Mysticism! Doggish, simply sadomasochist fidelity to executioners lie outside of reason and here is useless to say that the above-named characters - are simply geeks and cowards.

Firstly, because they kill people with impunity. Secondly, because they kill own people, citizens of their own country that, clearly, is safer than to kill citizens of other countries. When someone strong decides to intercede for defenseless inhabitants, this one runs to complain to the world community, using as a smear women, children and United Nations declarations.

Once I shot some programs about malicious geniuses and all my scientific interlocutors were unanimous - there is no mysticism in these people, nothing astral, divine, devil, otherwordly, no Baudelaire colors of evil and so on. Actually they are not even geniuses - just usual clinic, worthless heredity multiplied by bad education, physical lameness and unreasonable ambitions. If they would work as teachers of basic safety - nobody would notice them, it happens so that they managed to become dictators.

Fans of cannibals don't take into account any arguments at all. It's ok - comrade Stalin also killed us and we grew stronger and built Dneprovskaya hydro-electro stations. Though if to be fair, adored generalissimo killed not us but counterrevolutionary and we, Workers and Peasants love our leaders, we vote with heart, we don't drain water, there's no reason to kill us.

There are at least moral laws against such unnatural love in civilized world because normal people shouldn't love executioners, it is pathology, only crime partners could love executioners. While it's permitted and even patriotic in our country. As in the song: "Armor is strong and our tanks are fast". To tell you the truth, nobody buys them, even own generals but it not our fault, damned capitalists are guilty, they do everything better and cheaper. It's of course a plot.

I read several articles of defenders of the valorous murderer-colonel and I had a sensation of paranoia in aggravation stage. Arguments are like this - they in Libya have nothing better to do - there apartments are cheap, cars are even cheaper, gasoline in general costs copecks and still they protest. While we here live worse and keep mum.

One could ask, whom freedom at such well-being is necessary? It's clear - to betrayers who want that the Libyan riches flew straight to transatlantic Yankees. Who purposely arranged everything in such a way that Kaddafi started killing inhabitants that Zionists from United Nations dethroned him and take infinite riches of the Libyan people away. While these riches should pass to us in exchange for the best in the world air defense complexes. Enemies intentionally sent the Zionist planes to prove that our rockets don't hit them. After all to sell rockets which we continue to produce stable peace is necessary. They look nicely on the guard of the world but they fly so-so and now this terrible military secret is known to all.

Here you are devil plan in the result of which we received zero instead of 4 billion dollars. Further more in the same vein of semiliterate commissioners - orchestrated by West destabilization, the Egyptian scenario, etc.

I understand if such conversations come from the top, through different analysts and observers. They have their own sympathies, nostalgic desire to have again sure hand, own race for power and money but what do we need it for? If someone seriously believes that he would receive something from the Libyan billions? As well as that Gazprom is a national property? Well-well.

Recently nearly half-million inhabitants of London come to the streets. They don't like education, prices, taxes, cut offs and the government in general. In our country prices grow like a house on fire, while our people still stay at home feeling pity for gone mad maniac who lives in other part of the world.

The main thing is that when he will knock over, we still have other people to feel pity for - both Kim Jong II and Robert Mugabe, Castro's family and many other comrades. So it's possible to raise prices endlessly. What could be said here? Our leaders are the happiest leaders in the world. One can't find in the world some other similar people.



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