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Prosecutor General's Office Wants to Restrict Freedom of Search in Runet

Prosecutor General's Office Wants to Restrict Freedom of Search in Runet

Prosecutor General's Offices of the Oryol district demanded companies "Yandex" and Mail.ru to remove from their sites documentary film "Der Ewige Jude", the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation informs on Thursday. The product was earlier recognized by Federal Registration Service of Russia extremist.

"Der Ewige Jude" - the documentary-propaganda film of the German director Fritz Hiller shot in 1940 under the order of the minister of propagation of the Third Reich Joseph Goebbels. The founder of the film reflecting views of Nazi Germany on the nature of Judaism characterized it as "disgust and horror symphony". Film has got to "the black list" of Federal Registration Service in June, 2007 when the list of extremist materials forbidden to distribution in territory of Russia was published for the first time.

In the message placed on a site of the State Office of Public Prosecutor is stated that pupils of one of the schools of Kromsky region, Oryol district have easy access to mentioned film from computers placed in a class of computer science.

According to Prosecutor's General Office, "viewing of the film by schoolboys can have negative influence on their education and training". In this connection public prosecutor of the region addressed Hamovnichesky court of Moscow with the requirement to oblige "Yandex", LTd to remove all video files with the film from portal. Similar claim was made to the owner of Mail.ru to Savelovsky court of the capital.

- Everything is absurd in this story, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov considers. - Starting from worry of Prosecutor General's Office of Kromsky region, Oryol district over maintenance of content of Worldnet and attempts to limit access to Internet materials through Hamovnichesky district court of the capital. Why not to protest nasty climate or propensity of teenagers to onanism through district court? The fact that search system of Yandex searches for the above-mentioned film doesn't mean at all that "Yandex", Ltd has any relation to placing of the given content. Or, maybe, Prosecutor General's Office wants to limit search on the Internet in territory of the Russian Federation? Whether search in Runet is related to distribution of something in territory of the Russian Federation? Though a message is not so crazy - if to limit the search, it's possible to achieve a lot. For example, the Russian users will start using Google or Jahu even more widely. Domestic searchers will be used only if it's necessary to find some bill of the government or the message of the press-service of the president.



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